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"Visit" Mynamar at Bushnell Feb. 17

"Visit" Mynamar  at Bushnell Feb. 17 mandalay1.jpg
Myanmar (formerly Burma) is a land of breathtaking beauty and charm, only recently emerging into the modern world. Mandalay is its principal cultural and economic city. Come discover the mysterious Myanmar in the film "On the Road to Mandalay" playing at The Bushnell Center for the Performing Arts in The Maxwell and Ruth Belding Theater Hartford, Feb. 17 at 2 p.m. Tickets, priced at $7.50/person, for "On the Road to Mandalay" are on sale now and can be purchased by visiting The Bushnell Box Office at 166 Capitol Avenue in Hartford, by calling (860) 987-5900 or online at www.bushnell.org. About Myanmar Myanmar has a rich and glorious heritage spanning more than 2000 years. Spectacular monuments and ancient cities attest to a vibrant culture. The country's primary cultural hub, Mandalay, evokes images of a romantic bygone era. With traditions deeply rooted in the loving kindness philosophy of Buddhism, the creed the Myanmar live by is heart-felt goodwill to friends and strangers alike. For many years, Myanmar disappeared behind a wall of self-isolation, and only recently did they once again open her doors to the outside word, revealing the country's culture and ecology almost untouched and unspoiled. With a diversity of terrain, Myanmar has something to offer at all times of the year.