English Music Hall songs part of March performance at uNi coffeehouse

John Roberts and Tony Barrand
John Roberts and Tony Barrand share a distinctly British accent, harmony, and sense of humor. They are are scheduled to present a concert March 12 at the Unitarian Universalist Society Meetinghouse on Porter Lake Drive in Springfield.
Performing together since 1969, unaccompanied two-part singing was always a primary staple of their repertoire. They also draw upon a variety of instrumentation: John is a leading exponent of both Anglo and English concertina, as well as being a banjo and guitar player; Tony is a percussionist on drums, bones and spoons.
They are widely acclaimed for their lively and entertaining presentations of English folk songs. For nearly 40 years they have performed throughout the United States, Canada, and their native Britain.
Their concerts include a wide range of content including the timeless hilarity of English Music Hall songs, rousing Rudyard Kipling classics set to music, songs of the sea and sailors, historic stirrings from the World War I era, spooky old English ballads, songs that evoke the changing of the seasons, and chorus songs galore from pub to pew (great old hymns).
They sing also of rural pursuits, of social and sociable situations, of industrial toil and strife, and much more - typically arranging their material thematically to better illustrate the lives and the social history of the people who made and sang the songs.
Their songs are punctuated with tales, monologues, and tunes, giving a more complete appreciation of the wealth, diversity, and vitality of the English folk tradition. The cost for this performance is $15 at the door for the 7:30 p.m. concert. For more information please call (413) 562-3990.
About uNi Coffeehouse
All uNi Coffeehouse Concerts feature:
- Lovely wooded location bordering on Longmeadow and the Forest Park woodlands.
- Easy access from anywhere via Interstate Route 91. Parking lot, plus space along road for later arrivals.
- Acoustic music (not electric, not excessively loud), some very old songs and tunes, some very new.
- Experienced performers from across the United States, Canada, and Great Britain.
- Coffeehouse style atmosphere: relaxed, informal, low stage, candlelight, but no alcohol, no smoking.
- Lively concert hall sound in an intimate setting; performers often mingle with audience during breaks.
- Refreshments available home baked goodies, hot spiced cider, coffee, teas, & just-popped popcorn.
- Handicapped accessible. Phone ahead for directions to the no-stairs entrance and arrange preferred seating.:
Text and photo courtesy of uNi Coffeehouse