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Paradise City Arts FestivaL Oct. 10-12

Paradise City Arts FestivaL Oct. 10-12 matteis_painting.jpg
Columbus Day Weekend marks the 15th anniversary of the Paradise City Arts Festival, the winner of national awards for its extensive selection of fine and functional art of extraordinary quality and diversity. Founded by two Northampton artists, this event is a unique opportunity to experience an entire festival designed from an artist's perspective. In fact, twenty-six of the artists in this October's show, including renowned Massachusetts glassblower Josh Simpson, also exhibited in the very first Paradise City Arts Festival in Northampton in 1995, and this year, the Festival will honor them with the special exhibition "Then and Now at Paradise City", tracing their artistic journeys over the last decade and a half. They join 234 other competitively juried artists from 30 states and Canada, exhibiting original works in ceramics, painting, decorative fiber, art glass, fine furniture, jewelry, leather, metal, mixed media, photography, large-scale sculpture, wearable art and wood. Paradise City is an experience like no other - beautiful, unique, festive and fun! Food, music and family fun Take a culinary trip around the world under the Festival Dining Tent, tasting mouthwatering recipes prepared by some of Northampton's finest chefs. Sample exotic curries, pad thai, wood-fired pizza, New England clam 'chowda', dim sum, sizzling pakoras, All-American burgers, New Orleans etouffee, overstuffed burritos, mango lassi, warm apple crisp and rich home-made ice cream. The Soundstage hosts "foot-stomping jazz" by local and national musical luminaries while you dine. Check out www.paradisecityarts.com for the complete entertainment schedule. If you're bringing the family along, don't miss a bravura ceramics demonstration by Tim Scull, master potter. Allow some time to explore the arts of weaving, spinning, yarn dyeing and jewelry-making with your children under the expert auspices of Webs, America's Yarn and Bead Stores . And Snow Farm, the renowned New England CraftProgram, will reveal the secrets of lampworking glass! If you go .... The 15th Annual Paradise City Arts Festival takes place Oct. 10, 11 & 12,; Sat. and Sun. 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Mon. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. All indoors and under tents, rain or shine at theThree County Fairgrounds, Rte 9 & Old Ferry Rd. Northampton, MA: I-91 at Exit 19 or 20. Admission: Adults: $12. Seniors $10. Students $8. Three-Day Pass: $15. 12 and under: free. Free Parking! Group discounts available. Free full color program with admission.