Blue Man Group poised for performance in October

World-famous performers Blue Man Group is coming to Mortensen Hall from Oct. 26-31.
Blue Man Group is best known for their wildly popular theatrical shows and concerts which combine comedy, music, and technology to produce a totally unique form of entertainment.
The New York Times heralds the show as "One of the most delightful performance pieces ever staged." E! Entertainment News exclaims, "Blue Man Group is what every live performance aspires to be."
Although it is impossible to describe, people of all ages agree that Blue Man Group is an intensely exciting and wildly outrageous show that leaves the entire audience in a blissful, euphoric state.
With no spoken language, Blue Man Group is perfect for people of all ages, languages, and cultures.
This Fall, Blue Man Group takes to the road on its first U.S. theatrical tour.
This unique experience is a form of entertainment like nothing else; the shows to be held in Hartford are guaranteed to be outings you will never forget!
Pilobolus is coming Oct. 22-23 at 8 p.m. at the Belding Theater.
Pilobolus is a collaborative choreographic process and a unique weight-sharing approach to partnering that gave the young company a non-traditional but powerful new set of skills with which to make dances. The group has been widely acclaimed for its startling mix of humor and invention and Pilobolus has become a self-sufficient organization, its members choreographing, dancing, managing, and publicizing their own programs.
Recognized as a major American dance company of international influence, Pilobolus remains a deeply collaborative effort with an executive director, three artistic directors and seven dancers contributing to one of the most popular and varied repertoires in the field.
About The Bushnell
The Bushnell is Connecticut's premier performing arts center, hosting more than 350 events yearly, including major Broadway tours, symphony orchestras, family presentations, local arts and community events.
The Bushnell is home to two theaters- the historic 2,800-seat Mortensen Hall, and the 907-seat Belding Theater, a state-of-the-art performance hall that opened in 2001. The Bushnell opened in January 1930 and is a not-for-profit organization that is proud to serve Connecticut and its citizens. For more information, call The Bushnell at (860) 987-6000, The Bushnell Box Office at (860) 987-5900 or visit our website at
-Courtesy of The Bushnell