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What’s in your inbox?

Newsletters to start the year off right

Debbie Gardner

     What’s in your daily email inbox? Pitches from magazines you subscribe to, local stores you visit and shopping websites your frequent?

     Reminders from doctor’s offices about updates to your medical records?

     Annoying requests from that Nigerian Prince who either wants to send you money – or needs your help to recover that heretofore unheard-of inheritance you are entitled to?

     Though most of us who are 45 years of age and older admit to being frequent email users – the statistics show 90 percent of individuals between the ages of 45 and 65, and 86 percent of us over the age of 65 use email daily according to data provided by the website Statista (https://www.statista.com/statistics/271501/us-email-usage-reach-by-age/) – much of what we receive every day is rightfully, headed for the electronic trashcan shortly after it hits our inbox.

     But that same inbox can become a resource for useful information – if you know how to get it.

     I’m talking about subscription newsletters.

Ready, set, subscribe

     There’s been an explosion of free newsletters targeting people over the age of 50 in the past few years, ranging from those that provide general information to ones targeting specific genders and life phases.

     Here’s a sampling of some that have landed in my inbox of late:

     Next Avenue – Designed for people 50 years of age and older. Next Avenue is a nonprofit produced by Twin Cities PBS (TPT) for a national audience. Utilizing a nationwide stable of journalists, this newsletter presents well-researched articles and stories of interest to older reader covering topics across the nation. With a reach of over 80 million on its newsletter – and more on other social media platforms, Next Avenue is committed to the mission of meeting “the needs and unleash the potential of older Americans through the power of media.”

     To view a sample and/or subscribe visit: https://www.nextavenue.org/newsletter

     The Girlfriend – Targeting what it calls “Gen X” women 40 years of age and a bit older – this weekly digital newsletter from AARP is like having coffee with your posse – it covers everything from health and relationships to money and parenting. There’s also fashion and beauty tips, work advice and more. I’m a bit over their target age, but always find something great in its weekly content.

     To subscribe visit: https://www.thegirlfriend.com/contact-us

     The Ethel – Named for the founder of AARP – Ethel Percy Andrus, this weekly newsletter targeting women 50 years of age and older is designed, according to information on the web, to empower women to expose their diverse voices, smash stereotypes about growing older and help women feel less “invisible.” Topics include ageism, health, lifestyle, fulfillment, relationships, work and money.

     To subscribe, visit: https://cp.email.aarp.org/TheEthel_Subscription

     Lustre - Billed as a newsletter focusing on “modern women – modern retirement “– this weekly tome “celebrates accomplished retired women who embrace the future” according to its “about” information.

     With topics such as “Lustre Purpose,”” Lustre Style,” “Podcast,” “Lustre Book” and Medicare Resources, this is not the typical women’s newsletter.

     To subscribe visit: lustre.net and click on the Subscribe tab at top right

     Further – Edited by Brian Clark, this newsletter has more of a male perspective – and targets people at midlife - 50 years of age and beyond. With a focus on “midlife reinvention” this newsletter targets health, wealth and personal growth, encouraging readers to become their own “life coach.”

     The site’s motto is “Further- Keep going.”

     Subscribe at: https://further.net/

     1440 – This newsletter provides a daily overview of important news stories – focusing on facts over opinion. “Our goal is to supply our readers with knowledge and information to lead better lives, regardless of background or beliefs. We believe confidently understanding the world enables personal growth, leadership, engaged citizenship, and ultimately being better to one another,” said the information on 1440’s “About Us” page.

     Created by a scientist who was working on Capitol Hill and a venture capitalist – both who were unhappy with the way news was being reported by major media players – the newsletter is named for the year the printing press was invented.

     To read a sample, and subscribe, visit https://join1440.com

     The Healthy – This newsletter focuses on exercise, nutrition, mental health and self-care. It’s one of a trio that includes a diabetic recipe newsletter in conjunction with Taste of Home, and another that focuses on ideas to make your home happier.

     There’s plenty for everyone who has an interest in improving their health and lifestyle here.

To sign up visit: https://www.thehealthy.com/newsletter/