Author of "Is This Thing On?" A Computer Handbook for Late Bloomers, Technophobes, and the Kicking & Screaming" Special to PRIME Shopping online is one of the greatest benefits the Internet has to offer. No lines to stand in, no one trying to hard-sell you, and no need to leave your home to holiday shop. However, there are some precautions to take when shopping online to ensure your experience is safe and secure. Use the same instincts you use in your everyday life when you're on the Internet. If a particular web site seems a bit dodgy, leave it. If you're not comfortable giving your credit card information online, don't. There is no rule that mandates you must shop online merely because shopping online exists. Let your gut be the judge and caution be your guide, and all will be fine. Tip #1: Get a shopping e-mail When you shop online, be prepared that most shopping websites require you to give them an e-mail address. Your e-mail address is used to send a confirmation of your purchase and to update you on the shipping status. Because this may lead to future solicitations, I have a second e-mail address one I use only for shopping. You may want to do the same. There are free web-based e-mail services, so you don't need to pay for your secondary e-mail address. Three to look into are,, and The website may also ask you to create a password you'll use when you revisit to access information about your order. Most passwords can be cracked in a matter of minutes. Let's see.your birth date or that of a someone in your immediate family, a family member's name, your anniversary, some configuration of your street address. Am I getting close? There are some basic do's and don'ts when choosing a password. Choose a password that comes easily to you, but that is not public record. Don't use the same password that you use for your bank account or ATM card. If someone were to crack the code on a password that you use for shopping online, they would then be able to access your bank account as well. Instead, have your bank PIN be an exclusive password for the bank and nothing else. Most passwords need to be at least six characters long. It's a good idea to make your password a combination of letters and numbers that makes it harder to guess. Even better, because passwords are often case sensitive, throw in a couple of capital letters to up the ante. The trick with any password choice, however, is you need to remember your password. Write down your password as soon as your choose it. |
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