Digital Cowboys

Rick Castellini I learned to love my holster
By Rick Castellini
Special to PRIME
A little more than 100 years ago, mainstream Americans (especially Western Americans) wore holsters at their sides that held their trusty firearm. Eventually, holsters became pass and only law enforcement or military personnel sported the accessory.
Digitally armed
As we enter this 21st century, however, holsters and "sidearms" are making a comeback. This time, however, they come in the form of electronic devices and useful tools: cellular phones, personal digital assistants (PDA's), Leatherman tools, pagers, and even flashlights.
This phenomenon first struck me while attending the now-defunct Comdex computer show a few years ago. Awestruck at the sheer number of people using cell phones, PDA's, and beepers, many of them being used all at the same time I found the whole experience almost comical.
In today's connected world, people find it nearly impossible to be "out of touch" for more than a few minutes.
We're a wired country
More than 100 million people in the United States carry a cellular, 75 million use digital pagers, and another 10+ million use handheld PDAs. As evidenced by the proliferation of new area codes in the last five years, the success of these communication tools has been astounding. And the growth doesn't seem to be anywhere near even slowing down.
Are you packin?
The numbers themselves are impressive, but then I noticed that many of these digital cowboys (including myself) carry these devices on their hips with belt clips and leather holsters. "Wow!" I said to myself, "people speak of fashion retro cycles all the time, but who would have guessed that an entire generation of people would be once again wearing holsters!" And be aware of how many people carry multiple 'holsters' on their belts.
You've experienced those days when a group of people gathered at some a meeting or function and when a beeper or digital phone rings everyone reaches for their hips in much the same way John Wayne or Clint Eastwood would did in a those Western movie when provoked by an evil villain.
Clip it next to your Leatherman
Carrying these electronic tools with a stylish leather case on a belt clip has become the most popular method of toting them around even with the ladies.
Although they don't require batteries, equally as high tech are the popular all-in-one Leatherman tools. You've may have seen these before. Again, prominently carried in a leather case attached to a belt, users whip them out and open them up to reveal nearly every tool you can imagine. (Even TV's MacGyver would be jealous.)
Some things never change
The 20th century Century brought about enormous change and innovation. Some argue it has seem more change than at any other time in our history. Nevertheless, we enter a new century and era in American history still clinging to our holsters.
I have to go, umm ... my hip is ringing and beeping at the same time. I'll see y'all back at the ranch!
Rick Castellini hosts a nationally syndicated radio show, is an author and computer consultant in Colorado. Visit his web site at for practical tips and computer information every week.