Learn how to protect yourself on the Internet

The SeniorNet Computer Learning Center at the Springfield Jewish Community Center,1160
Dickinson St., is offering a new four- session workshop on Cyber Security and Troubleshooting.
This workshop will include information and tips to help individuals use the Internet safely, with an emphasis on the methods, tools and software needed to protect against specific security concerns.
Topics covered will include identity theft, online scams, online shopping and commerce and much more.
Participants will be encouraged to submit questions regarding their individual problems and concerns, and each will be addressed.
The eight- hour workshop will be presented in four two-hour sessions, Mondays and Wednesdays, August 18, 20, 25 and 27 from 1 to 3 p.m.
The cost of the course is $25 and will include a manual. All classes will be held at the SeniorNet Computer Center, Springfield Jewish Community Center, 1160 Dickinson St. Springfield.
To register, or for further information, please call the SeniorNet Center at 732-1336.