Get online to find the best deals on travel packages this season

The travel bug is striking Americans across the country. Most of us feel a need to get away and recharge our batteries with a change of scene. If this urge to travel has struck your family, there are deals to be found, whether you're planning an in-state excursion, flying across the country or even boarding a boat for a cruise.
Imagine taking your family to a national park this spring break. Or celebrating the end of the school year on a family cruise. Or taking some time away from the kids with your spouse on a romantic weekend adventure.
Whether you're planning to fly, drive, sail or just spend some time in the hotel, you can find fantastic travel deals and discounts right now.
* Look for the specials. Cruise ships, airlines, hotels, restaurants and even activity centers are offering special vacation deals.
Think about visiting different port cities in Alaska or seeing the New England coast from your cabin's balcony. Or rent a convertible and feel the wind whipping through your hair as you drive through the mountains.
* Use your favorite online vacation search site for great savings when you combine hotel, car rental and airfare purchases.
To make the deal even better, purchase your trip on these sites through, which will give you cash back on a percentage of your total purchase for additional savings. The best part about using a site like is that there are no points to accumulate or miles to redeem, and the cash back you earn is yours to use any way you want to.
* Consider varying the timing of your travels, especially if you're booking flights. Leaving on a Wednesday and returning on a Tuesday, or traveling early or late in the day can lower the prices tremendously.
* If you have accumulated miles, make sure you redeem them while searching for airfare deals.
* Start gathering the materials you need for your trip. Purchase travel books or luggage through more than 1,100 online stores on, and not only save money using coupon codes and discounts, but also receive a check back in the mail for a percentage of your online purchase.
Get started now on planning that vacation getaway to rejuvenate your body and refresh your mind. And try several of these tips to help you save money on your trip.
Text and photo courtesy of ARAcontent