Financial Wellness 2011

Rick Castellini
By Rick Castellini
Special to PRIME
Bloggers share their opinions and or expertise via the web by updating and maintaining their very own slice of the web; a blog. The word blog derived from "Web" and "log" (as in diary or journal).
Blogs became well known during the 2004 election process, but have been around since at least 1999. They started out as simple online diaries of primarily text entries sorted by date, from newest to oldest.
Gradually, they morphed into full-fledged web sites containing images and video along with the written information.
Blogs started out as true online diaries whereas the blogger simply typed their feelings or happenings for the day or their philosophies and beliefs about life.
During the past five or so years, blogs evolved to become Web sites created by experts in all walks of life sharing their experience and tips and augmenting their work in other areas of media.
I use the term expert in the very broad sense because we all have acquired niche knowledge that is valuable to share with other. That knowledge can be on just about any topic.
Literally, anyone can start a blog with no Web designing experience necessary. If you can type and send an email, you create and maintain a blog. An individual story or entry on a blog is called a post and can be made directly on the blog service web site, via e-mail, or even through a cell phone. Blogs also became popular because most bloggers allow readers to post comments about their writings. Comments can often times end up being more informative or entertaining that the original blog entry.
If you don't want your own domain name, the cost of starting a blog is nothing. Many free sites exist for blogging. Your blog might have an ad or two on it, but the advertising subsidizes the cost of the service and does not detract from your message. Blogging is fun, can be done in the comfort of your own home, is free, and can be a hobby that will fulfill you and many others for years!
Rick Castellini is an author, computer consultant, and hosts a computer radio show from Colorado. Visit his web site at for new tips every week and sign up for his free weekly email newsletter. You can also follow Rick on Twitter at