Don't lose your cool, Santa ...

Rick's got a list of tech gifts for kids 2-10
by Rick Castellini
Nationally syndicated computer consultant
Special to PRIME
As the year quickly draws to a close, the calendar reminds us that the holidays are near. Technology gifts now routinely top many young dreamers' lists and have so for more than six years.
The trouble starts when trying to sort out which technology gifts will be the best ones for the money and the recipient. This month, I will explore for you some tech gift ideas that will surely put a smile on your young friend's or relative's face.
The gifts outlined in this article will focus on smaller children, say up to age 12 and next month I will provide you with some ideas for teens and young adults.
Tech is great - in moderation
Although I am a technology freak and enjoy my gadgets, I do want to put one proviso out on the table for consideration: children of any age should keep their interests diverse and get outside and enjoy fresh air as often as possible. For extremely young children (seven and under), limit actual computer time to less than five or six hours a week. My first career was as a physical therapist, and I all to well understand the importance that young bodies are not meant to be sitting for long periods of time...they need to be moving...a lot.
Give them the world literally
With limitations imposed, I think computers and tech gadgets can enhance a child's development and learning abilities. For children from 2-12, I really like the variety of interactive globes on the market today. The Odyssey III for around $140 is wonderful for kid's 7-12 (and up). You can find it at:
LeapFrog electronic company makes an entire line of tech toys for learning. They make a great interactive globe than includes game play for up to four people. It can be found at: Visit for many more interactive, learning games for kids of all ages.
Give them a good 'fit'
Many of the young people on your gift list might already have a computer, but do they have a computer desk that fits them? Too often young computer users are relegated to adult size desks and that can spell trouble on multiple fronts. Buying an appropriately sized desk for the young computer user will yield better posture, no chance of painful shoulders or elbows from over-reaching and better viewing of the computer screen because it will be at the right height. Check out these sites for ideas and ordering:,, or /
Give them an edge
Buying learning software for children always makes a fun and smart gift as well. Learning software today has progressed to the point where the activities are so absorbing and fun that the child doesn't realize that they are learning. Look for math and reading programs from companies like Broderbund (, The Learning Company (, Knowledge Adventure (, and even Microsoft. All of these companies create software that is age-appropriate and it is easy to distinguish which one is appropriate for your child. You will find software for creativity, reading, math, science, history and more.
I sincerely hope these ideas give you some inspiration for your holiday shopping. Certainly any of these types of gifts will bring a bright smile to your child when they open whatever you purchase for them. In addition to seeing their surprise and happiness, you will have the added satisfaction of knowing that you made a smart choice that will help propel your little loved one into this incredibly high tech and competitive world.
Rick Castellini is an author, computer consultant, and hosts a nationally syndicated computer radio show from Colorado. Visit his web site at for new tips every week and sign up for his free weekly email newsletter.