Women's Heart Health
An Herbal Approach
By Jonathan Evans
Herbal Information Specialist /Business Representative for the Herbarium
Special to PRIME
I was reviewing some old Herbarium newsletters the other day and came across an article written by Tori Hudson, ND, a nationally recognized expert on women's health issues. The following information includes excerpts from her article. Since February is Heart Month, it seemed appropriate.
Women, Heart Disease and herbs
Several cardiovascular disease risk factors are unique to women: oral contraceptives, pregnancy, removal of one or both ovaries, and premature menopause. Additional factors include: increased body fat especially in the abdominal area, smoking, sedentary lifestyle and diabetes mellitus.
You may consider using some of the following herbs and supplements for prevention purposes.
Magnesium has been referred to as nature's calcium channel blocker because it blocks entry of calcium into heart muscle cells. As a result, supplementing with magnesium can lower blood pressure. Magnesium also helps the heart contract more strongly, increases HDL levels, and decreases the stickiness of blood.
Carnitine, an amino acid, has been shown to increase HDL levels, decrease total cholesterol levels and triglycerides and is used as an alternative to angina drugs.
Vitamin C works in so many different ways. It is an antioxidant and helps prevent the oxidative damage of LDL, raises HDL and lowers total cholesterol and triglycerides. Numerous population studies have shown high vitamin C intake significantly reduces the risk of death from heart attack and stroke. It helps repair blood vessels, thus reducing plaque buildup.
Vitamin E is perhaps one of the best nutrients for preventing the progression of atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. It does this by reducing the susceptibility of LDL to oxidation- oxidized LDL damages the blood vessel walls.
Co Q10 is truly amazing. The primary applications of CoQ10 for the heart are to combat high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, angina, mitral valve prolapse, congestive heart failure and enlarged heart.
Dr. Stephen Sinatra MD and cardiologist has written extensively on the function and importance of CoQ10 for heart health. Several of my family members including my mother have had excellent results using CoQ10. When she was 87 years old and ready for triple bypass surgery, her doctors were amazed at her heart strength and function, considering the blockages she had. We attributed her continued activity to the magnesium, CoQ10 and hawthorn berry she used daily.
Hawthorn berry is nature's heart tonic; the berries, flowers and leaves all contain several bioflavonoid and antioxidant compounds that help feed the heart tissue by boosting blood flow to the coronary arteries, strengthen contraction of the heart and may inhibit enzyme angiotensin-converting enzyme ACE) and lower blood pressure.
Garlic is a key herbal ingredient that has shown great benefits in cardiovascular health in its ability to lower cholesterol and triglycerides while increasing HDL levels and inhibiting platelet aggregation.
Ginger is a great anti-inflammatory and aids in circulation, and is commonly found in heart tonic formulas.
There are many informational sheets available at the Herbarium on these and other remedies free of charge. If you are interested, stop by or send a self addressed envelope with your request.
You gotta do the right thing, too
Of course, taking a pill is not going to take care of all your problems. Diet, exercise, changes in lifestyle and stress reduction all play their role as part of a regimen for heart health. You know all that, and now you know there are several helpers brought to you by Mother Nature.
More on Herbal Bandage
I recently traveled to Ireland and was reminded of an important addition to every family's herbal first aid kit. Herbal Bandage is a formula we have made up for years. This powder is used to stop bleeding from cuts, gashes, and puncture wounds. Let me tell you a little story.
I was fixing a suitcase and was using a utility knife to cut through some plastic in the handle. I got careless and was rushing and sliced my index finger quite deeply. I ran to the bathroom and grabbed our little bottle of Herbal Bandage. After rinsing the wound, I began sprinkling the powder onto the gash and kept sprinkling until the blood stopped flowing. It only took about 15 seconds for this to occur.
My wife, Kathy the nurse, said it was a three-stitch cut and quite deep. She bandaged it and we kept an eye on it overnight. Long story short, the finger healed without need of stitches, antibiotics or any other measures. The ingredients in Herbal Bandage help to kill germs, fight infection stop bleeding immediately and form a protective covering on the cut. It is an amazing little product that should be in everyone's first aid kit. We have used it for sliced toes, head cuts that bleed easily, and in the most memorable case, the near amputation of a fellows' thumb. You may not need it now, but when you do, it really is worth its weight in gold.
Please send your questions on botanical remedies to Natures Rx : Jonathan Evans via e-mail at info@theherbarium.com or by regular mail at The Herbarium, 264 Exchange Street, Chicopee, MA 01013.