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Wandering well

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Update your vacs and pack a personal healthy travel kit  

By Debbie Gardner

      There’s no question travel is on nearly everyone’s wish lists these days. This past summer, the crush of tourists flocking to Europe – and the tie-ups at many airports that crush produced - were headlines in several major news outlets. Cruise ships also saw a big return to that mode of travel, with record sailings to nearly every popular destination. And let’s not even get started talking about the need to book that stay in any of America’s popular National Parks months in advance during the summer of 2023.

      With the coronavirus pandemic further and further in the rearview mirror, travel is back in a big way. But there’s more to planning that trip than booking a flight and packing your bag. The Center for Disease control wants you to consider your health and wellness when you start making plans.

Getting the facts on travel health

      To help you prepare for that great vacation, the CDC has a page on its website dedicated to travel planning and health concerns. Here’s some of the great info you can find at https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/:

Frequently Asked Questions: This covers many basic travel-related health questions, such as what types of vaccines might you need for your destination, if you are traveling to many different locations – such as on a cruise – how to prepare for those vaccinations, the difference between routine and required vaccinations, if and when you might need a booster, what medications you can travel with, and specifics on Yellow Fever vaccines. There is also a map of where Zika is prevalent, and info on how to contact a U. S. embassy at your destination.   

Advice for Travelers: This gets more into detail on specific needs by the different types of travel you might be embarking on – from adventure travel to that cruise vacation to business travel and studying abroad. There’s even a link with advice for attending a “mass travel” event like a music festival or the Olympics in Paris this summer. Each sub-link gives a breakdown of what types of illnesses or injuries are common for that type of travel, advice on the types of vaccines you might need for your destinations, when to schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider to ask any questions about your health and travel, and advice on types of travel insurance.

      This link also covers questions on traveling with medications, handling jet lag, allergies and travel, mental health and travel, food poisoning, concerns for pregnant travelers, insect bites, cold weather and high-altitude travel, and preparing for natural disasters. There are also after-travel tips.

Disease Directory: This takes readers to a page listing information about specific diseases travelers may encounter. It includes a link to direct queries back to a destination page where the disease is prevalent.

Find a Clinic: This directs visitors to several options for obtaining travel vaccinations, from your local health department to specialty travel medicine clinics to those clinics licensed to provide yellow fever vaccines.

Where Are You Going: Located at the upper right-hand side of the website, this link allows site visitors to click on their planned destination and provides a quick synopsis of suggested vaccinations and health risks for that area of the world

Pack Smart/Travel Health Kit: There’s a link to these recommendations included under nearly every destination, which includes a general list of what types of items – such as first- aid and anti-diarrhea preparations and medications (including prescriptions) to pack –  as many common medicines may not be available in countries you visit, or you may encounter counterfeit medications in foreign pharmacies. These destination-specific links also include basic safety tips for your visit and suggestions of any special health or safety equipment to pack.

      You can also access an overview of what to pack in a basic  travel health kit at https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/page/pack-smart

Other important links

State Department Travel Advisories: Check this link for any elevated safety precautions recommended at your destination: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories.html/

Transportation Security Administration: Info on TSA precheck, approved carry-on and packable items, information on flying with disabilities. https://www.tsa.gov/

U.S. Customs and Border Patrol: Information on what you can, and cannot, bring back from your trip.  https://www.cbp.gov/

U.S. Embassies: In-country contact information and websites for United States Embassies in countries you may be visiting. https://www.usembassy.gov/

Smart Traveler Enrollment Program:  This is a free service that allows U.S. citizens traveling or living abroad to receive the latest security updates from the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/before-you-go/step.html