Taking a more natural approach to treating psoriasis
PRIME – May 2013
By Jonathan Evans
Herbal Information Specialist/Business Representative for the Herbarium
Psoriasis. The mere mention of the word sends shivers down people's spines. You cannot turn on the radio or watch television without encountering a commercial telling you how XYZ Pharmaceutical Company can fix your psoriasis. Of course, you may be subject to unbelievable infections, tuberculosis, liver failure, cancer and other sometimes-fatal events, but chances are you might be laid out in your coffin wearing short sleeves.
The other option for psoriasis sufferers is to apply steroid creams to the affected skin, a treatment that seem to work for a while, until the skin becomes very thin, leading to other problems. People will use such topical products for years, with little or no improvement and just accept their condition as a fact of life.
I have never understood why psoriasis has always been treated topically, as if it were a contact dermatitis. I also know there are times when people do say, "Enough is enough," and search for other approaches.
Complementary medicine looks at psoriasis in a totally different way, treating the whole person, not just the physical symptom. Granted, psoriasis is not curable, but it is treatable and over the years I have seen people experience great improvement in their condition. What follows is just a sample of a more natural approach to treating psoriasis.
Certain vitamins can be helpful in treating psoriasis. The list includes vitamin A with mixed carotenoids, vitamin D3 for skin health and immune function, vitamin C and B complex – important for nerve function, stress and collagen formation – and vitamin E to neutralize free radical damage.
As with so many issues The Herbarium always suggests clients take a high potency multivitamin and multimineral supplement – most of which would contain many of the vitamins recommended above, giving you a good base of treatment
Fish oil or flax seed oil, taken in liquid form, would be beneficial in supplying essential fatty acids, important for all skin disorders and helpful in keeping the skin from drying. Glutathione is an amino acid and powerful antioxidant that inhibits the growth of psoriatic cells. MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) is an anti-inflammatory and is necessary for tissue repair.
Turmeric, taken as an individual preparation to insure potency, is sometimes used as an anti-inflammatory and as a liver cleanser.
The cleansing herb milk thistle, which should also be taken as an individual preparation, is also sometimes used if a person has been on lots of medications and the liver is just overwhelmed.
Coleus forskohli, an Ayurvedic herb from the mint family is another substance that has been studied for its' beneficial actions in relation to many conditions, including psoriasis.
Topically there are several homeopathic products available that can help with the itch and pain of psoriasis, including The Herbarium's Magic Salve, which can be used for any skin condition, and oolong tea, which can be used internally and externally to help with the condition.
There are more herbs and supplements that can be used but this list really is the best place to start.
China and product purity
There is a lot of conversation lately about the source of products, specifically when those products come from China.
While I share the concerns of many individuals when it comes to Chinese products, there is also a widespread misconception about these products. Not everything from China is garbage. There are some companies that have contracts with China that demand organic status for the ingredients they purchase. I am aware of two or three companies that get some materials from China, which are accompanied by certifications and lab testing. Those products are then tested here in the United States to guarantee the products have met the company's standards. Please understand, this is not all companies, and is not a blanket approval of Chinese products. It is simply a reality.
As a reminder to all, The Herbarium does not diagnose, nor do we prescribe. Please, if you have a funny red spot in a strange area, we do not want to see it. You need to go to the doctor.
Finally I would like to invite readers to stop in to visit The Herbarium in May. The shop is celebrating its 35th business anniversary and those of us who work there would love to meet and thank so many of you for your support over the years.
There are some cases where we have helped four generations of a family, and made some wonderful friends. See you soon!
– Jonathan
Please send your questions on botanical remedies to Natures Rx: Jonathan Evans via email at info@theherbarium.com, or by regular mail to: The Herbarium, 264 Exchange St., Chicopee, Mass. 01013.
If requesting additional information from Evans, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope.