Sunburns and leg cramps among readers' concerns

Jonathan Evans
By Jonathan Evans
Herbal Information Specialist /Business Representative for the Herbarium
Special to PRIME
Dear Jonathan, I am getting a lot of leg cramps and other muscle aches lately. There does not seem to be anything wrong with me, since I feel pretty good except for the aches. Any suggestions? David
Dear David, You did not leave me very much information, so let me outline some things to consider.
If you are using a statin drug, it may be a side effect, or if you are on a blood pressure medication, you could be losing too much potassium. Talk to your doctor and / or pharmacist. If you are working out, or outside working and sweating a lot, it could be lack of minerals or dehydration. In general, I would suggest you take a good full range mineral supplement to start.
Herbarium has Mineral tea, a very mineral rich , easily absorbed source of nutrients. Many people have substituted mineral tea for iced tea and enjoy its flavor and its health benefits. Another product available is Cell Food, an ionic formula containing minerals, enzymes, and amino acids. Cell Food also utilizes a unique technology that literally breaks the bonds of water and releases the oxygen. it's a great product to help rehydrate, refresh and restore electrolytes.
Dear Jonathan, What is good for a sunburn? Allison
Dear Allison, I'm guessing it has already occurred. Treating it with aloe vera gel or juice is very soothing and healing. Apple cider vinegar has been used and chamomile tea as a wash can be very comforting.
Dear Jonathan, what would you use to lower blood pressure naturally? Edward
Dear Edward, Mother Nature has provided so many things that will lower or maintain a healthy blood pressure. My old friend Magnesium tops the list. According to Lawrence Resnick, M.D. of Cornell Medical Center, he documented that the higher the magnesium inside your cells, the more apt you are to have lower blood pressure, more elastic blood vessels and a less enlarged heart. He calls magnesium a natural calciumchannel blocker and says supplements can help normalize blood pressure.
Hawthorn berry(Crataegus oxycantha) is a complete cardio-tonic. The berries, flowers and leaves are used. It works quickly and is about the most benign plant you could find, packed with heart restoring power. Cayenne (Capsicum annum), Garlic, Coleus forskohli, Ginkgo biloba, Ginger, Guggul (also helps cholesterol), OPC's (oligomeric proanthocyanidins), and vitamin E all help with blood pressure, circulation, venous weakness. There are many more natural ingredients that are used but I think this should give you a pretty good start.
Dear Jonathan, my sons have perpetual athletes foot, and my husband has the grossest toe nails I have ever seen. What can you recommend? Alice
Dear Alice, I would stop looking at their feet (just kidding). White socks, airing out the shoes, wearing flip flops at the gym and so forth are the basic suggestions. Watch the sugar, artificial sweeteners, white bread, etc. Herbally, we have used Tea tree oil or apple cider vinegar as a topical treatment.
If your family has as bad feet as you describe, there are two other products that have had excellent results. Herb Pharm makes a combination called Spilanthes-Usnea compound or Herbarium brand Candida Res-Q. These two combinations are used topically and if need be, internally to really get at systemic fungal problems.
This should be used along with a good probiotic formula containing at least ten to twelve various strains of good bacteria, numbering in the 15-20 billion range at least. Skip the stuff that is found in drug stores and discount houses, since they usually have only a billion microorganisms per dose (maybe) and the shelf stable stuff just does not seem to be very effective, and is very expensive for what you are getting.
Please send your questions on botanical remedies to Natures Rx : Jonathan Evans via e-mail at, or by regular mail at The Herbarium, 264 Exchange Street, Chicopee, MA 01013. If you are requesting additional information from Jonathan, please include a self-addrresed stamped envelope.