Summertime remedies and other herbal suggestions

Jonathan Evans
By Jonathan Evans
Herbal Information Specialist /Business Representative for the Herbarium
Special to PRIME
Happy Summer folks! After the incredible weather of June, I hope we can just have a normal summer, sans tornadoes.
Some of you may know that I co-host with Mino Giliberti on his radio program "Dining with Mino," Saturdays at 10 a.m. on AM 560-WHYN.
One of our conversations on olive oil led me to mention olive leaf as a medicine. Mino was surprised, since growing up in Italy he had never heard of this. Olive leaf extract is applicable as a remedy for no less than 120 ailments, according to Morton Walker D.P.M.
It works well against colds, flu, herpes, shingles, Epstein-Barr, and other related problems. Yeast infections and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome also respond well to olive leaf extract.
We have stories from all over the world praising BUGZAWAY, a natural insect repellant made from pure essential oils. The latest comes from Alaska. Our neighbor's son, Austin Wheeler, works in the wilderness, and we sent him a bottle after hearing about how nasty Alaskan mosquitoes are. He says it is working very well and he smells a lot better than his crew members.
Noted medical herbalist and Clinical Aromatherapist Kathleen Duffy (full disclosure-she is my wife) created BUGZAWAY many years ago. She was not comfortable using the commercial repellants on the kids and grandkids, so she set out to create something safe and effective. Over the years we have added oils to the recipe to help repel fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, midgies, black flies and just about any biting, sucking insect. It is safe for babies and pets. It also smells great!
Poison Ivy
There is a variety of things we use to treat the itch of poison ivy. Green clay can help to dry up the blisters without causing the itchiness from too much drying. Homeopathic Rhus tox is very effective in drying up the blisters. Rhus tox is actually an extremely dilute poison ivy. There are several companies that make homeopathic formulas for poison ivy, such as Hylands and Boiron. For topical sprays, look for ingredients that include jewel weed or grindelia. Herbarium brand Oak and Ivy includes witch hazel, while Herb Pharm brand contains menthol crystals. Both are very soothing and healing.
Summer Remedies
One way to beat the heat this summer is to make a refreshing personal spray using essential oils. Peppermint ( Mentha piperita) is always a great cooling spray. Palmarosa ( Cymbopogon martinii) and Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) are two oils that are very refreshing and will help soften your skin ladies. Certain oils should not be used on the skin due to sun sensitivity or irritation. For a complete list of oils, and methods of application or diffusion, send a self addressed business size envelope to the address below.
Odds & Ends
If you are taking supplements, try to take them in divided doses. It does you no good to take all your vitamins and minerals at one shot. That would be like trying to eat your whole days food at one meal.
For those of you who are taking statin drugs, please be aware that Co-enzyme Q10 is depleted by the medication. CoQ10 is an important nutrient for general cell function and cardio vascular health. It is not for stopping the pain associated with a side effect of statins. You must tell your doctor is you experience the joint pain. Contrary to commercials on television, the joint pain is not so rare as you may be led to believe.
It has come to my attention that a previous column stated calcium intake of 1,000 mg. is associated with increased stroke risk. Please do not panic. This was a very small trial that suggested calcium supplements may contribute to cardiovascular problems. A large World Health Organization study completely contradicted the other report. Remember, the biggest issue is to take the proper form of calcium and have adequate magnesium.
Please send your questions on botanical remedies to Natures Rx : Jonathan Evans via
e-mail at, or by regular mail at The Herbarium, 264 Exchange Street, Chicopee, MA 01013. If you are requesting additional information from Jonathan, please include a self-addrresed stamped envelope.