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Staying healthy in trying times

Staying healthy in trying times Health-column.jpg

Greetings all. This column is being written in late March, so some of the information may be outdated, given the speed with which the virus situation is changing. Hopefully things are getting better. 

In general, there are so many things that can and are being done naturally to boost immune function and treat any viral infection. Mother Nature has given us a wide assortment of herbs and nutrients to combat colds, flus and other infections.

Everyone has gotten on the bandwagon for elderberry ( Sambucus nigra) The problem is that it causes a simple supply/demand situation. All the major manufacturers were overwhelmed by the high demand for elderberries. Granted, I have written about these beautiful little wonders for years and I know my readers were ahead of the curve when it came to being proactive. But beyond elderberry, we can work with so much more. 

  • Echinacea ( angustifolia and purpurea)  have long histories for immune enhancement. There was even a report on the national news that doctors studying echinacea gave it a thumbs up… imagine that.
  • Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus) is a general immune system tonic. In Traditional Chinese Medicine it is considered nourishing to the vital force (chi). It is also a strengthening lung tonic (especially good for a respiratory  viral infection).
  • Elecampane (Inula helenium)  is great for all affections of mucous membranes with excessive mucous secretions.
  • Eleuthero, also known as Siberian Ginseng, is an adaptogenic tonic to enhance general health and a rejuvenating tonic.

And then there were the medicinal mushrooms. Reishi, Maitake, Shitake, Chaga, the list goes on. Pound for pound these mushrooms pack  more nutrients and body system protection than any other category I can think of.

Vitamins, especially vitamin C, can do so much. Linus Pauling’s research on vitamin C is amazing.  It activates and strengthens your immune system, strengthens the cell membrane, making it harder for a virus to penetrate, thins the mucus, and works as an anti- inflammatory.

 We have a real arsenal of herbs and nutrients to help maintain or health, all we have to do is access it.

We have many essential oils and blends to help clear the air, so to speak. These can be diffused in several ways. If you need guidance, we have a diffusion sheet available. Just send me a self addressed stamped envelope.

Now, besides our concerns about corona virus, people are still suffering with more mundane problems such as allergies. It is the season and those of us who have the problem are well aware. One difficulty with allergies is sneezing and coughing. Now people are looking at allergy sufferers like Typhoid Mary.

For  people who have allergies there are some simple herbs and supplements that can ease  the symptoms.

As noted earlier, vitamin C is a big help due to its anti-inflammatory action and membrane strengthening.

Sting nettle (Urtica dioica)  has antihistamine and anti-inflammatory activity, helping to moderate allergic response.

Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis)  has anti- inflammatory antihistamine action. 

For those of you who are concerned about herbal interactions with other  medications, there are homeopathic remedies that will help with your seasonal allergy problems and not have any negative impact.

Finally, this pandemic has caught everyone flat footed.  Some simple advice for all … ALWAYS FACT CHECK YOUR SOURCES ON THE INTERNET. If you are looking for accurate information go no further than the CDC, Mass Dept of Public Health, or Pub Med. There are a few more but stick with these. You have all heard about the unfortunate couple who used fish tank cleaner thinking it was  malaria drug. Another “cure “ is using a hair dryer on your face to kill the virus. It wont work. It will burn your skin though. So even if the source is claiming to be a “doctor” do not follow it blindly. There are too many bogus sites, conspiracy theories ( and man, have I heard a few) and just plain DANGEROUS podcasts with misinformation and ripoff “cures”. I have said it for years - any idiot can post stuff on the web. Don’t be a victim. 

Yes, this pandemic is  scary, but take the time to think before you act. As my late Mother-in-law used to say“ this too shall pass.” It may pass like a kidney stone, but it will pass.