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Sorting out weight loss advice, cholesterol and statins

Sorting out weight loss advice, cholesterol and statins jonathanevans.jpg
PRIME – January, 2014 By Jonathan Evans Herbal Information Specialist, the Herbarium Happy New Year everyone! I am sure you all are keeping to your resolutions, eating right, exercising, getting plenty of rest, you know the drill. For those of you who are honest, let me offer some information that may help with the New Year weight loss program. Avoid any scams on the Internet and television, offering weight loss with only taking a pill. First, we both know it is not true, despite your best hopes. Many of you have seen the Dr. Oz program on the tube and know he has listed about a dozen products for weight loss, but he did not really explain what these things do. I have a free summary sheet giving you that information. If you are a carb sensitive person, use one thing. For emotional eaters, there is something else. Stop by The Herbarium or send a self addressed stamped envelope to the shop and I will get you your guide right away. Questioning the new cholesterol advice You may have caught the news in December that the Heart Association and health officials announced new guidelines concerning cholesterol levels and the use of statin drugs. In a nutshell, the officials said that too much attention was placed on the target numbers we have all been struggling with. The recommendation was "don't worry, just take a statin." I must admit, my first thought was, "whoever came up with that idea is a marketing genius, and I hope he or she got a big bonus". In essence, the drug industry doubled their customer base. Any company in the world would give their right arm and part of their left leg for a boon like that. Needless to say I am a bit skeptical. I went to the Heart Association website for suggestions on lowering cholesterol, and found they do not recommend any herbs or supplements, just eat a good diet. Please . we all know how well that has worked. Not only do they not recommend using complementary therapies, they do not even mention the statin side effects. My bad, they did say there were "rare" side effects, but don't worry. To add insult to injury, one week later, a short announcement came out stating one study showed the cholesterol loss of memory reported in using statins was without merit. Bull. The evidence has been known since 2003, but it took the FDA an entire decade to finally suggest a warning be included in the drug literature. Less than 11 months and one study later, the government is ready to drop the warning? Do you smell something fishy or is it just me? Some simple supplements can help lower cholesterol. such as red yeast rice, vitamin C, guggulipids, plant sterols, and garlic, just to name a few. My blood boils when many elders suffer excruciating muscle pain due to statins and it is chalked up to old age and arthritis. How many older folks may have suffered what appeared to be early onset Alzheimer's or dementia, and it may have been due to the statin drug they were given? We may never know the answer, but for damned sure this is the time to ask questions. I presented an educational seminar back in December, discussing the other choices to help lower cholesterol. I will be offering other free seminars in the coming months. Check out The Herbarium's website and this column for the dates. Stay healthy, my friends. – Jonathan Please send your questions on botanical remedies to Natures Rx: Jonathan Evans via email at herbarium258@gmail.com, or by regular mail to: The Herbarium, 264 Exchange St., Chicopee, Mass. 01013. If requesting additional information from Evans, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Bookmark and Share