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Top to bottom: Devil’s Claw, Boswellia, Gingko Biloba

Answering your questions about health matters

By Jonathan Evans
Herbal Information Specialist
The Herbarium

      Dear readers, the questions keep coming in, and this month I’m going to address some of the more common issues that pop up in these questions.

      I hope you find the information helpful!

      I’m also going to address the new health threat facing us here in the Pioneer Valley, the smoke we’ve endured from recent wildfires in Canada. Though the effects are unprecedented and short-lived for us right now, as our climate changes, this may become more of a health issue for our area.


Dear Jonathan,

      I have read and heard about the benefits of Ginkgo Biloba, but I am on a prescription blood thinner. Is it safe to use ginkgo?



Dear Peter,

      The short answer is no. Ginkgo Biloba does affect clotting time as it makes the platelets more slippery. It doesn’t “thin the blood” but it does affect your clotting.

      Ginkgo Biloba is the oldest species of tree on earth, dating back over 200 million years and has been studied extensively and is reported  to increase circulation to the brain and thus helps with cases of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, memory loss, concentration, vertigo, tinnitus and dizziness. Peripheral vascular diseases such as Reynaud’s disease and diabetes have seen marked improvement. Impotence and erectile dysfunction, hemorrhoids, migraine, allergies and asthma are also conditions that Ginkgo Biloba has helped.

      Now, because of its many benefits, we have several customers who have consulted with their doctors and have been able to incorporate using Ginkgo Biloba with their blood thinners. To their credit, the doctors saw the benefits of Ginkgo Biloba and reduced the prescription dosage. 



Dear Jonathan,

      I am plagued with Plantar Fasciitis. I have seen my podiatrist and have inserts in my shoes and have done all the stretches, but it keeps coming back. Is there any natural remedy for this?



 Dear Walter,

      I am glad to hear you saw the doctor and are doing your exercises. Here is the last part of the puzzle to help solve your problem. MSM (methylsulfonylmethane)

Is a natural form of sulfur that helps joints, muscles, skin, hair and all other tissue throughout the body. It is especially good for the ligaments and tendons, adding flexibility. I had Plantar Fasciitis and was able to reverse it in three days.

      We have a product that contains MSM plus turmeric, Boswellia and Devil’s Claw, three traditional anti-inflammatories. Using the MSM while doing the stretches helps the tendon stay stretched.  I used this with my bowling team for many years. As you might guess, I was the” team medic.” If someone had problems with knees, wrists, elbows and such, they would pop a couple capsules and be ready to bowl again within the rotation.

Note: this is a sulfur compound, not sulfa, so there is no worry pertaining to being allergic.



Dear Jonathan,

      I keep hearing about vitamin K for bone health. Where do you get it and is it that important? 


Dear Elaine,

      Vitamin K is important for several reasons. It helps with bone health, wound healing, blood clotting and cardiovascular health. It can help prevent calcification of the arteries (atherosclerosis) and actually reverse the condition. Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) is found in plants, while K-2 is found in fermented foods, animal products, and your own microbiome in the intestines.  Depending on your diet and other factors, vitamin K is abundant in the diet. Sources include natto, collard and turnip greens, broccoli, soy, carrot juice, and even olive oil to name a few. Usually there is not too much concern about vitamin K levels unless you are on blood thinners or have arterial calcification.



Dear Jonathan,

      The wildfires in Canada are unbelievable. I am outside and can smell the burning. It is like having all my neighbors cooking out at the same time. My eyes burn, I am coughing and cannot seem to get away from it. I know this is having an effect on my lungs and my children’s health. Is there anything you can suggest to help?

-- Donna


Dear Donna,

      These fires are incredible in that the smoke can have such effects on us hundreds of miles away. Many of our customers with asthma and other respiratory problems have been using our lung detox tea and extra vitamin C. There are several herbal formulas to help with the irritation from all the smoke and particulate matter.

      One thing that is helpful is to continue using masks until the fires are under control. The other leftover from COVID-19 health concerns would be quercetin, a bioflavonoid that helps protect the lungs from the virus, but is also a powerful anti-inflammatory that will help protect the lungs from all the smoke.

-- Jonathan

      Send question on botanical remedies to: Nature’s RX: Jonathan Evans at Herbarium258@gmail.com or by regular mail to: The Herbarium, 254 Exchange St., Chicopee, MA 01013. If requesting information, please include a stamped, self-addressed envelope.