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Natural approaches can aid breast cancer battle

Natural approaches can aid breast cancer battle mushrooms-200253745-001.jpg

By Jonathan Evans
Herbal Information Specialist, the Herbarium

        October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, as you all know. The Cancer Society and numerous support groups have done a fine job in getting their information out to the public. My job is to give you the information on safe, natural, and proven therapies to combat and help prevent breast cancer.
        There is so much information available it is difficult to go into a great deal of detail but the following list will give you a good start.

Eat healthfully

First and most important – Clean Up Your Diet! Eat as close to Mother Nature as possible. We have a “Getting Started and Cancer Supplement” and many other informational sheets available at the Herbarium free of charge, that detail complementary therapies and how to eat properly. Websites offering more detail on diet will be listed at the end of this article
        Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage are highly protective against breast cancer, though most people could not eat enough on a daily basis without some difficulty. There are supplements such as concentrated broccoli or Diindolylmethane ( DIM). Medicinal mushrooms, such as Maitake and Turkey Tail shows great promise.  A seven-year, $2 million National Institutes of Health- funded clinical study showed Turkey Tail supports immune function when administered to women with stage l through stage lll breast cancer. Maitake, which contains a specific compound known as D- fraction is believed to activate the body’s immune system T-cells. Clinical studies out of Japan indicate breast cancers were improved with the use of the mushroom in any form.

Supplement wisely

Inositol hexaphosphate ( IP-6) suppresses abnormal cell proliferation and supports normal cell differentiation. Graviola, which comes from the Amazon rainforest, has been used by the indigenous peoples from time immemorial for asthma, liver problems, arthritis and heart disease. Since the 1970s the Graviola tree has been studied for its anti-cancer effects. Over 20 laboratory studies have shown this tree is more powerful than Adriamycin, a chemotherapy agent, and does no collateral damage.
    Coenzyme Q10 is well known as an adjunct for those using statin drugs for cholesterol, and for cardiovascular health.  A report from Denmark showed two cases of women with metastatic breast cancer had complete disappearance using CoQ10. Granted, two cases without a control group is not definitive to purists, and does not rule out the usual placebo explanation, but to have two remissions at the same clinic within a two year period is so uncommon that something more than placebo must be involved.
        Vitamin C, Linus Pauling’s favorite vitamin, has an extensive list of studies showing its effectiveness in battling numerous types of cancer. I will not go into the battles that raged for many years about how effective mega dose therapy involving Vitamin C are  – or are not according to detractors.
        Many years ago, my wife had the honor of interviewing Dr. Pauling on WREB radio.  It was an event not to be forgotten. Over the years I have interviewed several authors who have followed up on Pauling’s research and I noted one book that had 41 pages of citations and studies listed. How anyone can ignore the weight of evidence in favor of vitamin boggles my mind.
        Selenium is a nutrient important in battling cancer, and is in short supply in the average diet and especially in the soil here in New England. You do not need much as a supplement and it is very inexpensive.
        Vitamin D has many benefits and the research continues at a fantastic pace.  It has anti-cancer properties that have not been fully appreciated. For more information on vitamin D go to “vitamindcouncil.org”
        Cannabidiol, or CBD oil from the hemp plant, can actually shut off the gene responsible for metastasis. As I noted in last month’s column (available online at https://www.primeontheweb.com/primehealth/thecaseforhemporre/), there is a great deal of research that needs to be continued on the use of Cannabis.
        Black Cumin seed oil has many properties and uses, including fighting cancer.
        Our diet is full of foods with potential cancer fighters but most people are either unaware of  or have ignored the information available to them until they reach a critical point. The most beautiful part of these gifts from the Creator is they do not have any negative side effects.
        For more information on treating breast cancer naturally please go to:http://www.life-saving-naturalcures-and-naturalremedies.com/natural-cures-for-breast-cancer.html

The Herbarium is located at 264 Exchange St., Chicopee, Mass. 01013. Tel: 413 598-8119, website www.theherbarium.com, join their newsletter at: http://eepurl.com/bUONF1. Send questions on botanical remedies to Natures Rx: Jonathan Evans via email at herbarium258@gmail.com, or by regular mail to the address above. If requesting additional information from Evans, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope.