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More individuals taking charge of their own health

More individuals taking charge of their own health jonathanevans.jpg
Jonathan Evans
PRIME September 2012 By Jonathan Evans Herbal Information Specialist/Business Representative for the Herbarium Special to PRIME Happy Anniversary to my friends at PRIME. I have been writing columns for this publication since 2007, and since I learned this was an anniversary, I looked back at my earlier columns. What struck me was how many subjects we have discussed and how many questions return over and over again. We may think we have advanced, but people are people, the same diseases and illnesses still exist, and people want to feel better. This does not change. Arthritis, high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, asthma and allergies continue to plague us. Every day someone develops an illness or is diagnosed with a disease and often, become very interested in using an herbal supplement. What have changed are the public's interest in health, and the individual's willingness to take responsibility for their health. Patients have become tired of dangerous side effects and want something that can help a problem without causing new ones. Listed below are some of the most common health problems and the most helpful supplements for these conditions. Individuals suffering with arthritis should try the following supplements – glucosamine sulfate, turmeric, Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), rhus tox, devil's claw hyaluronic acid, boswellia, vitamin C, yucca, omega 3 oils, cayenne, parsley, celery seed and tart cherry juice. Individuals with blood pressure difficulties should try the following – hawthorn berry, guggul, magnesium, resveratrol, coleus, garlic, omega 3 oils, medicinal mushrooms (shitake, maitake, reishi) cayenne, parsley, hops and valerian. Individuals coping with type 2 diabetes should investigate using the following supplements – gymnema, nopal cactus, dandelion root, fenugreek, bitter melon, magnesium, chromium iodinate and vitamin D. Individuals suffering with asthma should try the following – vitamins A, D, and C bromelain, quartering magnesium, ephedra, mullein, coltsfoot, yerba santa, pau d'arco garlic, nettles, eyebright and Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM). Individuals plagued by allergy symptoms should try the following – vitamins A,C,D,B-12 Zinc, Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), quercetin, bromelain, Brigham tea, nettles, N-Acetyl Cetylcysteine (NAC), licorice, yerba mate, turmeric and various homeopathic formulas. For relief from women's issues try the following supplements – magnesium, wild yam, vitex, black cohosh, DHEA, astragalus, essential fatty acids, borage, evening primrose oil, flax oil, soy, red raspberry, kelp, cramp bark, passionflower, dong quai, ginseng and Lachesis. Individuals experiencing the effects of Irritable Bowelsyndrom might find relief with the following – slippery elm, aloe vera, enteric-coated peppermint oil, enzymes, probiotics and antispasmodic herbal formulas. Individuals suffering with candida, or fungal infections might find relief with the following – caprylic acid, grapefruit seed, spilanthes, usnea, pau d'arco, black walnut, oregano oil, gentian, tea tree oil Oregon grape root, hydrochloric acid and pepsin, and probiotics. Please note this is not a complete list nor does it cover all major issues – there just is not enough space in this column. However, there is plenty of information available at HERBARIUM, free of charge, and a staff ready to help you find the information you may need for your complaint. Another area that has changed over the years is the explosion of information and products available on the Internet. One thing that has remained the same, unfortunately, is that there are people who are ready to rob you blind on the web. I regularly check products for people who heard about some miracle cure they saw online, and of course, believe it is true because some alleged doctor or PhD endorsed it and the site has posted may wonderful testimonials about their product. Riiiiight, as Bill Cosby would say. I have also looked at the prices of many online supplements and cannot believe anyone could charge such exorbitant amounts for such stuff, and worse, that people are apparently willing to part with their hard-earned cash to buy them. Here is one thing I will always say, and will never change – believe 50 percent of what is written online and NEVER buy those products. Twenty years ago, my industry was called alternative. Today, it is known as complimentary therapy. Herbs and supplements have become mainstream, and the medical profession even recognizes their impact. Surveys have consistently shown that at least one-third to one-half of patients use supplements of some kind, though they do not always tell their doctors. Doctors are aware of this and have been asking patients about their supplement use. Some doctors (including my own) are trying to familiarize themselves with supplements. There is hope for the future. – Jonathan Please send your questions on botanical remedies to Natures Rx: Jonathan Evans via email at info@theherbarium.com, or by regular mail to: The Herbarium, 264 Exchange St., Chicopee, Mass. 01013. If requesting additional information from Evans, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope Bookmark and Share