By Jonathan Evans
Herbal Information Specialist for The Herbarium
February is heart month. Usually, I wait a month or so to outline heart helpful herbs and supplements but this year will be different.
Your natural heart health toolbox
Let’s start by taking a look at the big guns in heart health.
CoQ-10 is especially important for heart health according to Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D., F.A.C.C., and author of several books on CoQ-10. Sinatra outlines this nutrient’s uses for the heart to include angina, congestive heart failure, hypertension, arrhythmia, and mitral valve prolapse to name a few. Sinatra calls CoQ-10, a powerful antioxidant, and “the ideal antioxidant”.
My mother had congestive heart failure and used CoQ-10 and hawthorn for many years. At the age of 84 she underwent triple bypass surgery. The doctors told us they never do this kind of surgery on an 84-year-old, “but you aren’t our typical 84-year-old.” They were amazed at how strong her heart was, and the new blood vessels that surrounded her blockages. The cardiologists even took some of our information on these supplements.
More heart helpers
Here are a few more readily available alternative medicine aids to heart health:
* Vitamin C – This vitamin has been shown to support healthy blood pressure and promoting the excretion of lead, which is linked to hypertension.
Kudzu – (Pueraria lobata) lowers blood pressure and helps cut alcohol cravings.
My space is running short, but let me point you to other natural products for a healthy heart including valerian root and potassium, as well as saffron, fennel, oregano, black pepper, basil and tarragon, which all can all be added to your cooking, adding flavor and health benefits
A vitamin series update
Going over old and new articles always turns up information that gets overlooked as more recent articles come out. Case in point; add this information to our previous series on vitamins.
Be smart and do all you can to keep your heart healthy!
Masks: On an unrelated subject, we require face masks at the Herbarium. Between COVID-19 it’s subvariants, RSV, regular flu and colds there is just too much going on. We have a new granddaughter and want to be able to see her often. I have elderly friends and immuno-compromised friends and family members. I do not want to infect them. Thank you all for complying with our requirement. P.S. You need to put the mask over your nose and mouth. You may not be spreading a virus through your mouth, but it is entering your body through your nasal passage. That is why you swab your nose and not your mouth in testing. Just thought I would remind you.
Send questions on botanical remedies to: Nature’s RX: Jonathan Evans at or by regular mail to: The Herbarium, 254 Exchange St., Chicopee, MA 01013. If requesting info., please include a stamped, self-addressed envelope.