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It's cold and flu season

It's cold and flu season Oregano.jpg

Skip the NyQuil™ and try these natural remedies

By Jonathan Evans
Herbal Information Specialist
The Herbarium

      It’s that time of year again when we gather together with friends and family to share the good will and good tidings of the season and, of course, spread germs and COVID-19, which has made a comeback (actually, it really never left). The good news is many people have had vaccinations or have developed a sort of “herd immunity,” the recent forms of Covid seem to be less virulent than what we dealt with a few years ago, but it still can knock the stuffing out of you.

      So, since you will be spending some quality time with Uncle Ned, who is not vaccinated, and Auntie Rose who seems to have every cold and flu virus known to man, I will submit a refresher course on Mother Nature’s little medicine cabinet to help you through the coming months.

Natural immunity boosters

Vitamin C– the cold and flu season star. It is antiviral, anti-inflammatory, it thins mucus, strengthens mucous membranes and boosts immune function. Depending on your exposure situation and general health condition, a daily dose of 500 mgs three times a day is a good start. Because vitamin C is water soluble, it needs to be taken with food so as to hold more in your system before it is excreted. If you pop a 500 mg capsule in the morning while gulping your coffee, you really are wasting your money and not helping your immunity to any great degree. Just saying, is all.

Elderberry – A super antiviral and effective against most flu viruses and COVID-19. Israeli researchers found a compound in elderberry that dissolves the protein spike that the virus uses to penetrate your cell membrane and turn your cell into a virus factory. It is still hard for me to understand that viruses are not alive, they just exist until they find the right host and make our lives miserable.

Quercetin – a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, it is especially good as protection from Covid-related infection. It blocks the ACE-2 e-receptors in the lungs, which is the pathway Covid uses to infect you. It also helps stop the inflammation called a cytokine storm that causes most of the damage done to the lungs from the COVID-19 virus.

Astragalus –similar to Quercetin, it helps strengthen the lungs and blocks the virus and enhances immune function.

Olive leaf a very powerful anti-viral, and antibacterial. It helps with a wide variety of viral infections, including shingles, herpes and pneumonia among many others. It can also help to lower blood pressure and cholesterol.

Medicinal mushrooms – the main mushrooms commonly used include Reishi, Maitaki, Shiitake, Cordyceps and Chaga … and so many more. Believe it or not, pound for pound mushrooms contain some of the most potent immune boosters in nature.

Echinacea –Immune system modulator, meaning it helps strengthen a weak immune system and exercises a normal immune response. It helps to increase the white cell counts and stimulates existing white cells, in effect making them more “frisky” and better able to fight infections. It can be used for colds, flu virus, fevers, allergies and has anti-inflammatory activity.

Zinc – an important infection fighter among other things. It works well in fighting viruses as a lozenge since it disrupts the virus’s ability to reproduce. That scratchy raw throat is usually because the virus loves the in-between condition of the body to replicate, sucking on a zinc lozenge coats the throat and helps to kill the virus.

Vitamin D – not only important for bone health, but it also has immune boosting properties and antiviral action.

Oregano oil – a good treatment for coughs, colds and flu, it is antiseptic and a mild expectorant.

Garlic what doesn’t garlic do? Antibacterial, clears phlegm, great for infections, colds, flu and just about everything under the sun. There’s nothing like a good homemade chicken soup with lots of garlic to make you feel better. I like to slice the garlic thin and top a toasted bagel. Sure, you smell like an Italian restaurant but who cares? You are sick and no one wants to kiss you anyway. Fun fact: raw garlic is good for colds and flu, while cooked or roasted garlic has anticancer properties.

Probiotics – People don’t think about their gut health when they are sick, but 70% of your immune system is produced in the gut, and guess what helps get your immune system back up and running? Try to use a refrigerated probiotic with multiple strains of lactobacillus and bifidobacteria in 30 billion or higher doses. The shelf stable is better than nothing, but not by much.

      This is by no means the entire list of herbs to help with colds and flu, but it should get you going pretty well for the season.

      Ain’t Mother Nature grand?

– Jonathan

Send question on botanical remedies to: Nature’s RX: Jonathan Evans at Herbarium258@gmail.com or by regular mail to: The Herbarium, 254 Exchange St., Chicopee, MA 01013. If requesting information, please include a stamped, self-addressed envelope.