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Is marijuana use an answer for some health ills?

Is marijuana use an answer for some health ills? jonathanevans.jpg
Jonathan Evans
PRIME January 2013 By Jonathan Evans Herbal Information Specialist/Business Representative for the Herbarium Happy and healthy New Year my friends! I trust you have all made your New Year's resolutions. I also know that not long after we change the calendar to 2013, most of you will have broken them. Not to worry, the point of making a resolution is to make a change, so if at first you don't succeed, keep trying! Reader's Questions This month readers have asked some interesting and timely questions about marijuana use and seasonal health issues. Dear Jonathan, I heard Bax and O'Brien the other day talking about the new medical marijuana law and what pot can be used for. I have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and plantar fasciitis and both are treatable with marijuana. What can I do until the law comes into being? – Joannie Dear Joannie, Are you serious? Both carpal tunnel syndrome and plantar fasciitis are easily treated with some simple remedies. Magnesium and a product called MSM 750 will take care of the problem for about $12 – without any potential hassle from the Drug Enforcement Administration. Magnesium is a great muscle relaxer and pain reliever. MSM is a sulphur compound that is specific for ligaments and tendons, combined with some traditional anti-inflammatory herbs such as turmeric and Devil's Claw. Both conditions are easily treated with this product and the results are very good. I am not taking a position for or against the use of medical marijuana. I have many customers who would benefit from its use, but the way the law is written and the scope of conditions that are covered make me wonder about this law's future. There are many natural products that would help the majority of conditions approved for medical marijuana use and wouldn't leave the user at the mercy of state or federal drug agents. I suggest we all do a little investigation before we "roll" out the Panama Red carpet (Did I just date myself?). Dear Jonathan, I hate this time of year – not the holidays, but the darkness. I get very depressed during the winter. Is there anything natural that I can use to help get me through the winter? – Diane Dear Diane, There are many things you can do that will help with Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.) and will have other benefits for you. For example, there are full spectrum light bulbs available that recreate natural sunlight. Sitting under these lights for a few hours a day or evening can stimulate the rods and cones in your eyes and help produce the hormones and vitamins needed for combating the winter blues. Extra vitamins B complex and D will help you, along with the herbs Kava Kava and St. John's Wort. There is also a tea available that my wife Kathy created many years ago called "Lift Your Spirits" tea. She also created an essential oil blend called "Blues Away" to help with S.A.D. Dear Jonathan, I really overdid the holiday partying and had heartburn, or acid reflux. I am going for an upper gastrointestinal series to determine what my problems is. I am now on Prilosec. It seemed to help in the beginning but now the condition feels worse. Is there anything I can do? – Arnie Dear Arnie, By all means get your tests done. You may have any number of problems. Some simple things to do in the meantime include eating papaya or pineapple after meals. Some people will take peppermint tea or candies, or a digestive after dinner drink (something like Ja germeister, which helps stimulate digestion if you sip it and don't shoot it.) Chamomile tea, or our Tummy tea blend can help. Digestive enzymes in capsule form, or even betaine hydrochloride with pepsin can really help. Many people think they have too much stomach acid when indeed they have too little. The symptoms are the same, but it seems everyone treats both conditions the same way. We have a large amount of free literature here at Herbarium that can help explain the situation and condition. Get your tests done then come see me for more information. Readers, my resolution for this year is to make more people aware of the many products available to help treat their problems in an economical fashion. When I see and hear some of the horror stories about products offered and purchased on the Internet and the prices these thieves charge, it makes my blood boil. These sellers are the kinds of low life bottom feeding scum suckers that give the complimentary medicine field a really bad name. I have said it before and will continue to say it, "Believe 50 percent of what they say on the Internet and never, ever buy their product until you check with a reliable source first. Caveat Emptor!" Next month, we will discuss probiotics. Please send your questions on botanical remedies to Natures Rx: Jonathan Evans via email at info@theherbarium.com, or by regular mail to: The Herbarium, 264 Exchange St., Chicopee, MA. 01013. Bookmark and Share