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Homeopathy provides treatment for people, pets

Homeopathy provides treatment for people, pets jonathanevans.jpg
Jonathan Evans
By Jonathan Evans, Herbal Information Specialist /Business Representative for the Herbarium - Special to PRIME In the November 2009 issue, I addressed a question on homeopathy. I recently heard my old buddy Dr. Dean Edell make disparaging remarks about it, going so far as to say that Congress won't do anything about this hocus pocus because they are afraid of our powerful lobby. Folks, in a weird way he is right. We do have the most powerful lobby in the country: the American people. Congress should be damn afraid of us. Check for yourself, the natural products industry in total can't come up with the lobbying money of even one pharmaceutical company agri-business or food processor. But we have the vote. Check out the DVD "Food Inc." or Michael Moore's films about the health industry. Then you tell me who has the power in Washington. We, the people actually have the last word, unfortunately our "representatives" like to push us up against the wall before we act. Act we have, and act we will. Back to the main issue of homeopathy. I admit it is hard to fathom how a greatly diluted ingredient can have such an effect on the body, but to say it is all in our head is ludicrous. Answer me this, then. When homeopathic remedies are administered to animals and they respond and recover how did the person convince the dog or horse that it would work? Hmm. Dear Jonathan, I recently was told by my doctor that I am deficient in Vitamin D. He prescribed 50,000 units. Isn't that a high dose? -Anita, Springfield Dear Anita, it does seem high compared to what used to be recommended, but that is a question for your doctor. I am sure he knows what he is doing for your situation. In general, everyones' Vitamin D levels are low. The government raised the level a couple of years ago. People who live in the northern part of the country do not get the sunlight which helps your body to produce Vitamin D. Women especially are at a disadvantage because many of their skin products contain sunscreen products to protect against wrinkles and skin cancer. Many of our customers are taking a supplemental 1,000 to 2,000 units of Vitamin D-3 to help normalize their amounts. There was a big push for the vitamin to help with your calcium absorption (we have discussed this in past columns). What has been taking center stage is the latest studies showing low levels of Vitamin D being associated with increased incidence of colds and flu and other studies showing definite anti-cancer activity. I am sure your high-dose prescription is only for a short time to get your blood levels up to par, then you will probably be able to use a supplemental amount as I described earlier. Dear Jonathan, I am taking a cholesterol medicine and the doctor noted my liver enzymes were not normal. I have to take the medicine, but I am worried about possible damage to my liver. Do you have any suggestions? -Beth, West Springfield Dear Beth, I will do another column on cholesterol in the near future. In the meantime, try Milk Thistle. It is the best liver tonic available. It can lower cholesterol, help normalize liver function, and even help regenerate liver tissue. It is an amazing gift of nature. Jonathan. Please send your questions on botanical remedies to Natures Rx : Jonathan Evans via e-mail at info@theherbarium.com, or by regular mail at The Herbarium, 264 Exchange Street, Chicopee, MA 01013. If you are requesting additional information from Jonathan, please include a self-addrresed stamped envelope.