Herbal solutions: Potassium and bilberry extract
Jonathan Evans
By Jonathan Evans
Herbal Information Specialist /Business Representative for the Herbarium
Special to PRIME
Dear Jonathan, I have terrible cramps at night and can't get any sleep. I am miserable. Is there anything that can help? Bob, Springfield
Dear Bob, You didn't mention if you are on any prescription medications, such as blood pressure medicine. If so, check with your pharmacist to see if any of those medications might be potassium leeching or if the leg cramp might be listed as a side effect.
All things being equal, potassium in the form of dark green leafy vegetables, potatoes (skins), bananas or oranges might help. Magnesium is terribly important for muscle cramps of any sort.
I have written extensively over the years about this miracle mineral. Sometimes a lack of iron is to blame, but avoid the drugstore ferrous sulfate, as it is too hard to absorb, and can cause constipation. Poor circulation is another possibility, in which case I would try ginkgo biloba either in a tincture or a guaranteed potency extract. Do not bother with Ginkoba, which is a commercial product and not very good. Larry King used to be paid a lot of money to advertise the product but it did not deliver.
If you are on prescriptions that do not allow for Ginkgo or Magnesium, you might try a homeopathic remedy called Mag phos. Hyland also makes a remedy for leg cramps that contains homeopathic quinine, which as been used for many years.
Dear Jonathan, I am experiencing hot flashes and night sweats. I am afraid to take hormone replacement because of all the bad stories I have heard, but I need something to help get some sleep. I have tried black cohosh but it did not work. Ann, Fairview
Dear Ann, we have worked with peri-menopause and menopause for many years. If your biggest problem is the hot flashes, let me suggest trying a product called Estrosoy plus. It is a combination of fermented soy and black cohosh. Not knowing which brand you may have tried in the past, I recommend you try one more time. The difference in quality and brands is like night and day. Over the years we have tried many different companies and have found this product to be very effective.
For general menopause symptoms we use Dr. Clayton's MENO-AID, an old fashioned formula that has helped women for decades. It's not fancy, scientifically studied, or sexy, but it does work quite well.
Dear Jonathan, my doctor says I have the beginnings of macular degeneration. He said to get some special eye vitamins but after comparing the ingredients to my multivitamin, it doesn't look like a lot more of what I am getting. Are there any herbs that can help? Genny, Enfield
Dear Genny, we have a whole eye health sheet available, which outlines herbs, vitamins, foods, and other nutrients that can help with a variety of eye issues.
For macular degeneration, it is suggested to start with bilberry extract. It is a specific to help build up the macula and increase blood flow and blood vessels. Bilberry is high in anthocyanosides, which are also very powerful antioxidants. Bilberry has traditionally used for night blindness, diabetic retinopathy and even helps clear up varicose veins. Stop in and pick up the eye health sheet or send a self addressed stamped envelope to the Herbarium.
Please send your questions on botanical remedies to Natures Rx : Jonathan Evans via e-mail at
info@theherbarium.com, or by regular mail at The Herbarium, 264 Exchange Street, Chicopee, MA 01013. If you are requesting additional information from Jonathan, please include a self-addrresed stamped envelope.