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Common health issues

Common health issues Herbal-Cure.jpg

Alternative approaches may provide relief

By Jonathan Evans
Herbal Information Specialist for the Herbarium

Dear readers – a couple of common health issues have come up recently with customers visiting the Herbarium, and I’ve felt a nagging need to make the time to address them. This is the month.

Plantar Fasciitis – that pain in the foot

A couple of columns ago, I meant to address the problem of plantar fasciitis but didn’t have the space. Strangely enough, since that time several customers have come in complaining about the condition. And recently, an article appeared in a local publication talking about plantar fasciitis, and offering very little help except for surgery or injections.

I am here to offer another option that has shown very good results

Plantar fasciitis affects the band of tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot from heel to toe. Whether it is stressed from a change in activity or the tendon just tightens up, the result is stabbing pain to the point one can barely stand up in the morning, and the discomfort continues through the day. At the Herbarium, we have found a formula containing MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) – a natural form of biological sulfur – has anti-inflammatory aspects and helps with giving ligaments and tendons more flexibility. This formula has MSM combined with turmeric, boswellia and Devil’s Claw, three other excellent anti-inflammatories. Using this combination along with stretching exercises can get rid of the pain in a few days. Continued use can keep the pain away for a long time.

There is help for varicose veins

Another condition that has come up repeatedly involves varicose veins. There are some very simple remedies available to get rid of this problem. Bioflavonoids can help to rebuild the blood vessels. A mixture of ginkgo biloba, horse chestnut and collinsonia root has been used with good results. These supplements help with inflammation, circulation, and the strengthening of the blood vessels. Ginseng (various species) has also been used for varicose veins. Customers report the pain is alleviated quickly, and then it’s just a matter of time for the body to heal itself.

Getting your D

Vitamin D deficiency is a problem most people feel is minimized during the summer months, due to added exposure to the sun. The problem is – people still have a deficiency during these months due to our modern use of sun blockers and sunglasses. A study done with “sun bunnies” in Southern California found that even those sun worshipping types were low in Vitamin D because they slathered themselves in high-SPF sunscreen and wore sunglasses that blocked every kind of UV light out there.

Obviously, I am not promoting laying out in the sun at high noon with no protection for the skin or your eyes, but just getting some natural sunlight in the earlier part of the day – exposing your face and arms – and trying to not wear sunglasses constantly – allowing the rods and cones in your eyes to respond to the sun – will allow your body to produce Vitamin D as nature intended.

Dealing with diabetic pain

A recent article published in a local health care journal addressed pain associated with diabetes. The author discussed several approaches to help combat the pain and tried to show association with obesity and lack of exercise as contributing factors. He outlined physical therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic and neuromuscular re-education as helpful treatments. The author also suggested spinal decompression for those with lower back pain or degenerative disc problems.

I would like to add a few simple suggestions that were missed in the article.

Over the years we have found using glucosamine sulfate aided in disc problems. It seems the glucosamine helps to rebuild or “plump up” the disc, which can help relieve pressure on any nerves, thus relieving some of the pain. Using homeopathic hypericum or a tincture of Jamaican Dogwood (Piscidia erythrina) – a nerve sedative and antispasmodic – has helped many of our customers tremendously.

Another very simple approach would be taking adequate magnesium. Jerry Nadler, M.D., of the University of Virginia School of Medicine, found 80 percent of diabetics have low intracellular magnesium. He said supplements can improve insulin activity and may help cut other risks and complications.

Lastly, ginkgo biloba helps with peripheral circulation, which is a big problem for diabetics. We have had people avoid amputations due to poor circulation using this approach.

Adding these supplemental aids to the other pain management factors can go a long way to improving your quality of life.

— Jonathan

Send questions on botanical remedies to: Natures Rx: Jonathan Evans  at herbarium258@gmail.com, or by regular mail to: The Herbarium, 264 Exchange St., Chicopee, MA 01013. If requesting additional info, include a self-addressed stamped envelope.