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Ask the Naturopath

When the season leaves you sneezin'... Dear Nature Doc, Once again my allergies are acting up the minute the weather gets nice enough to be outside. Are there any natural remedies to help me during this seasonal aggravation? B.A. East Longmeadow Dear B. A. If you are a springtime allergy sufferer, I have some good news for you. There are some very simple, inexpensive ways to help resolve allergy symptoms. You may have heard this one already: local honey. Yes it works. The trick is that it must be local honey. The local health food stores like Better Life Whole Foods carry local honey. A teaspoon to a tablespoon a day is all that you need. Continue to take it throughout the season for which you have allergy symptoms regardless of whether you are experiencing symptoms or not. The honey will desensitize your immune system to the allergens in the local environment. Sinus infection too? If your symptoms have turned into a sinus infection, continue to take the honey and seek treatment for the sinus infection. The honey actually has anti microbial activity, which will help with eliminating the sinus infection but the infection should be addressed with more aggressive treatment. There are a number of natural treatments that are very effective at resolving this condition. The treatments would be individual to the patient and would depend on the severity, symptoms and duration. Supplements for seasonal allergies Vitamin C has beneficial attributes to help with seasonal allergies. It acts as an antihistamine and boosts the immune system. Quecitin is also a good supplement to help with antihistamine effects. N Acetly Cystiene or NAC is used for loosening of the mucus that clogs the sinuses and respiratory system. Herbs for seasonal allergies There are a number of herbs that can help symptomatic relief of seasonal allergies. Stinging Nettles Yarrow Oregon grape Osha, Mullein Eyebright to help with allergy eyes These are a few herbs that will help with allergic symptoms. These come in different forms such as capsules, tea, and tinctures to be added to water. You can also find combination remedies with herbs and supplements at the health food store that will help you to survive the seasonal allergies. Remember, however, that everyone is different and what works for one person may not work for you. If you need help with eliminating your allergies see your Naturopathic Physician who can help you determine what will work the best for you. Year-'round symptoms need a look Another thing to note is that if you have what seem to be environmental allergies like sinus symptoms, sneezing, coughing etc. that are present all year long, you most likely do not have environmental allergies but food sensitivities or both. These can be more complicated to eliminate. A Naturopathic Doctor can help you with these sensitivities and treatment should be pursued as these can lead to more chronic conditions that are more difficult to correct. Prevention is the number one step to good health. Addressing issues before they turn into bigger problems is always the most practical approach. Dr. Ann Aresco is Naturopathic Physician, practicing at The Integrative Health Group in Springfield, MA. Readers may email the doctor with question or comments at: drannaresco@msn.com