Ask the Naturopath
Can eating Organic really make a difference?
By Dr. Ann Aresco
Naturopathic Physician
Special to PRIME
Dear Nature Doc,
Does buying organic really make a difference? Amy D., Springfield, MA
Dear Amy,
Yes! For more reasons than I can possibly talk about here. But lets start with one fact that if you read no further you should take note of.
Buy these pesticide-free
If you cannot afford to buy all organic food, make sure you avoid the top pesticide-laden items. These tend to have more pesticides than other produce: apples, pears, red raspberries, strawberries, peaches, imported grapes, cherries, celery, bell peppers, spinach, lettuce, and potatoes.
Can you believe reports?
You will hear differing reports on the effects of pesticides on humans. But use some common sense here; if it is used to kill bugs, how good can it be for us?
If a report that there are no effects from pesticides on humans comes from research done by Monsanto, a company that does a huge amount of business in the world of food that uses chemicals and genetically altered/engineered food, how much can we believe?
The company that sold us Vioxx said the side effects were minimal. Now that product and all those similar to it are off the market because of side effects.
How often are you willing to wait to hear "oh gee sorry we made a mistake with what we were selling to the public" and the human cost was what? Are you willing to be collateral damage? The bottom line, as usual, is the money. Some companies will go as far as calculating how much the cost will be if they sell the product with all its possible problems and then get sued for it. Will the profit outweigh the lawsuits? Think tobacco.
Let me give you another example that should make you concerned. I read about this years ago. I'm not sure if it still continues, but it wouldn't surprise me. The pesticide DDT was found to be too toxic after years of use on American produce. The ban had a loophole. They didn't ban the production of it in the US. So it continued to be produced and shipped to other counties, like Mexico who did not have a ban on the use of DDT. So where do you think the food with DDT on it from Mexico was sold? Those who make the money will find a way to continue to make more of it often regardless of the cost to the consumer. We all know this.
Tell your grocer what you want!
How do we change this? Don't give them your money! Years ago I was telling people, I know the organic products are more expensive, but the more of us that buy it, the more the big money makers will want a piece of the action. That day has come, and it can only get better if more people jump on the don't feed us toxic/engineered/cloned food bandwagon. Cloned food! Companies producing cloned animals are seeking to legally sell us cloned animals as food! They claim that the cloned animals only have minor abnormalities! Once again we, the public, will be the experiment to see if there are problems with it.
Organics go mainstream
Big supermarkets now have whole sections of healthy foods. Stop and Shop is buying into this section of food products so that we finally see on the TV "buy organic." A recent article in The Courant in Hartford, CT states: "Supermarkets exist to sell what sells." "Organic and Natural foods have been the fastest growing segment for food retailers." "Consumers have learned to take their health into their own hands, educating themselves about the effects of pesticides, processed foods and natural remedies."
There was also a recent article about a rancher who discovered that he could have a much more profitable business if he simply did not inject his cattle with growth hormones and antibiotics and fed them only grains. (Mad cow comes from cattle that have been fed other sources of mad cow like sheep parts). His sales far outnumbered his previous business and he will be doing just fine for a while because he is but a small percentage of cattle producers who have taken the leap to healthier production of food for us to buy. Unless of course the public makes a very clear statement to the rest of the ranchers that we do not want the meat that has been pumped with drugs by refusing to buy it and making the small organic growers millionaires by purchasing their products instead. Then you will see a shift in what comes to the market.
A fish story>/B>
Farmed salmon is another story you will have to look up the story on this one. Prime has only so much space for me to go on about this and I could fill the whole paper! The bottom line is make sure your salmon is the wild variety. Don't be afraid to step up to the fish counter and ask if the salmon is farmed and when they say "yes" walk away. I do this even when I can read the sign that says it is farmed. I ask all the time when "will you have the wild variety." This week I was shopping and guess what! wild salmon in my local store! I bought some even though I wasn't there for that. I may go back today and buy some more. I'm telling everyone I know to go and buy some. I'm creating my own little buying frenzy so the store will get the message.
Business gets the organic message
Still not convinced? Whole Foods Market and Wild Oats are some of the fastest growing chains. McDonald's and Wendy's are selling salads not that they are the best salads but still better than the beef products. These companies aren't making these changes because they suddenly care about our health! Don't forget to consider the foods that go to the restaurants. Pesticide free? If it is, they will be sure to let you know.
So I continue with my plea buy organic. Buy products that are better for your health. Buy it even though it may cost a little more. Buy it because in the end you will be preventing diseases that we don't even know are coming from consuming toxic chemicals. Buy it because one way, possibly the only way, to increase the amount of organic, healthier foods and to lower the prices, is to show them the money.
The organic effect
By the way, once you begin to eat the healthier foods, you won't want to go back to those produced with chemicals and in less than natural environments. The true flavors are something you have not tasted in a long time, if ever, depending on your age.
Thanks, Amy, for the opening to my soapbox talk on organic food. Natural organic soapbox or maybe Pandora's box.
If you have a question you would like to have addressed send it to
Dr. Ann Aresco is a member of tThe Intergrative Health Group at 1502 Allen St. in Springfield MA.