Ask the Naturopath

Dr. Ann Aresco
Don't bet on good genes
Exercise is a sure thing for slowing the aging process!
I read constantly how exercise can improve so many health related issues. I really can't seem to find the time to get in a work out 3-4 times a week. I also don't like going to those fitness centers. CP in Chicopee
Dear CP
Naturopathic Doctors will almost always recommend that you pursue some type of exercise. Sally Dick, ND, states, "exercise is, hands down, the single best thing you can do for your health."
It's worth the time and effort
Getting in a few hours of exercise a week can help with prevention of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and many less severe diseases like arthritis, PMS, depression, osteoporosis, cholesterol problems, high blood pressure etc.
It is all very logical. When you exercise your heart pumps faster and you breath more rapidly, oxygen rich blood is coursing through your arteries and providing plenty of the same to your organs. Every part of your body benefits from the movement of your blood and other fluids that provide important nutrients to all parts of your body as well as picking up and removing those toxins that the body does not need.
It can also be a great way to relieve stress, which we know causes many problems.
The ultimate metabolism booster
I realize that this is difficult because I have this discussion over and over with my patients. Americans like to take a pill rather than make a lifestyle change but in the long run you know who is going to pay the price.
So many patients want to know if there is anything that will get the metabolism going faster. I say yes and the great part is it's FREE! GET MOVING!!! The more you move the more energy you have to move more. What to do is of course an individual preference and each of us has to decide what will get us moving. Then make it a priority to accomplish this goal and don't put it off for another day, week, month, New Years Resolution. Just Do It what a great slogan.
The 50-plus advantage
I recently found another great reason for those over 50 to begin a program if you haven't already. Research has shown that those 50 years or older gain the benefits of exercise more quickly than people under 50.
Find a way to make it work for you
Don't make it an overwhelming thing to accomplish, just make it a priority. Walking is always a good and easy choice. There are places like Work Out Express or Curves that make the fitness center idea a lot more appealing to the working women including moms. Some guys can be motivated by competition among their friends so this can be the key. Sports are not just for athletes.
Of course feeding your body the appropriate nutrients to be able to keep up a good exercise habit is important also.
Dr. Aresco can be contacted with questions via email to