- Chair yoga
- 12/24/2024
- Holiday overload?
- 11/25/2024
- Make a holiday plan
- 10/25/2024
- Fall Vaccines
- 9/23/2024
- The driving “retirement’ plan
- 9/23/2024
- Keep moving!
- 9/3/2024
- Getting your ZZZs...
- 7/30/2024
- Take steps to stay fit
- 6/25/2024
- Refilling the nest
- 5/29/2024
- Planting herbs for health
- 4/23/2024
- Cannabis and change of life
- 3/26/2024
- Pets and longevity
- 2/21/2024
- Wandering well
- 1/23/2024
- Considering Cannabis?
- 12/21/2023
- It's cold and flu season
- 11/20/2023
- Fall Aches And Pains
- 10/24/2023
- Coping with depression
- 9/26/2023
- Handling mild ADHD
- 8/22/2023
- 200 columns and counting!
- 8/1/2023
- Readers Ask...
- 6/20/2023
- Peak Performance
- 5/22/2023
- 3 BIG Questions: Laurie Addams
- 5/22/2023
- A seasonal roundup
- 4/25/2023
- 3 BIG Questions: Joan Simmons
- 4/25/2023
- [230321114362]
- 3/21/2023
- Buyer Beware!
- 2/21/2023
- 3 BIG Questions: Season Bryant
- 2/21/2023
- It’s heart health month
- 1/24/2023
- 3 BIG Questions: Kelly Phillips
- 1/24/2023
- The eyes have it
- 12/20/2022
- 3 BIG Questions: Dr. Michael Gousy
- 12/20/2022
- A probiotic primer
- 11/23/2022
- 3 BIG Questions: Erin Koebler
- 11/23/2022
- Medicare changes for 2023: What you need to know
- 10/27/2022
- It’s cold and flu season
- 10/24/2022
- 3 BIG Questions: Dr. Grace Makari-Judson
- 9/22/2022
- Fall allergies
- 9/22/2022
- Study aids
- 8/23/2022
- It’s Gout Season
- 7/26/2022
- Treating summer ills
- 6/22/2022
- A diabetes primer
- 5/24/2022
- 3 BIG Questions: Jill Patterson
- 5/24/2022
- Readers ask ...
- 4/28/2022
- Ah...choo... spring!
- 3/22/2022
- Coping with COVID-19
- 2/25/2022
- 3 Big Questions -- Sheila Magalhaes
- 2/25/2022
- Readers ask....
- 1/25/2022
- 3 BIG Questions: Karen V. Johnson
- 1/25/2022
- 3 BIG Questions: Daniel Oleksak
- 12/27/2021
- Happy New Year!!
- 12/27/2021
- Because you asked
- 11/24/2021
- A wonderful, stressful season
- 11/24/2021
- Colds and Flus
- 10/28/2021
- 3 BIG Questions: Dr. Renee Rosado
- 10/28/2021
- Fall allergies
- 9/21/2021
- 3 BIG Questions: Dr. Maura Brennan
- 8/24/2021
- Getting the facts
- 8/24/2021
- Summertime first aid
- 7/27/2021
- The eyes have it
- 6/22/2021
- 3 BIG Questions: Dr. Mark Kenton
- 6/22/2021
- Research insights
- 5/25/2021
- May flowers bring... allergies
- 4/28/2021
- 3 BIG Questions: Dr. K. Francis Lee
- 4/28/2021
- The annual spring ‘cleanse’
- 3/24/2021
- You only have one heart
- 2/24/2021
- Rumors, masks, readers ask
- 1/27/2021
- Using, storing your herbs
- 12/21/2020
- ‘And me in my cap....’
- 11/24/2020
- 3 BIG Questions: Keith Aubin
- 10/23/2020
- A cornucopia of information
- 10/23/2020
- 3 BIG Questions: Dr. Grace Makari-Judson
- 10/2/2020
- What was old is new again
- 10/2/2020
- To thine health be true...
- 8/31/2020
- Readers ask the Herbarium
- 7/30/2020
- Undoing those pandemic pounds
- 6/23/2020
- More tips for staying healthy now
- 5/26/2020
- Staying healthy in trying times
- 4/24/2020
- Caregiving in the age of Coronavirus
- 3/31/2020
- Natural help for spring allergies
- 3/24/2020
- Prime readers have asked…
- 2/25/2020
- The vitamin D dilemma continues
- 1/21/2020
- Ease into a healthier 2020
- 12/20/2019
- Helpful tips for healthier holidays
- 11/27/2019
- Multivitamin misinformation
- 9/26/2019
- Are you stressed?
- 8/30/2019
- Common health issues
- 7/30/2019
- A probiotic primer
- 6/27/2019
- Readers have asked …
- 5/23/2019
- It’s sneezin’ season
- 4/26/2019
- AARP launches ‘Stop Rx Greed” campaign
- 3/26/2019
- Oh, my aching back!
- 3/26/2019
- Coping with anxiety
- 3/22/2019
- You only have one heart
- 2/25/2019
- Herbs and history
- 1/25/2019
- Vitamin Guide
- 12/20/2018
- CBD oil – be an informed consumer
- 11/20/2018
- We get questions…sorting out the facts
- 11/8/2018
- Vitamin Guide
- 9/28/2018
- 9/4/2018
- Vitamin D – how much is right?
- 8/3/2018
- It’s time for a mineral primer
- 5/23/2018
- Readers ask the Herbarium...
- 4/23/2018
- Turning to natural help for allergies
- 3/23/2018
- Three BIG Questions: Dr. Hari Subramanian
- 3/9/2018
- A ‘first aid’ kit for healthy traveling
- 3/9/2018
- Nature’s pharmacy for heart health
- 1/23/2018
- Looking to nature for safer pain relief
- 12/21/2017
- Nature’s medicine chest for colds and flu
- 11/20/2017
- A look at some new alt medicine findings
- 10/24/2017
- The rise, fall and rise of ‘alternative medicine’
- 9/22/2017
- Bone loss: why Fosamax isn’t the best answer
- 8/30/2017
- Get out and enjoy, but be prepared!
- 7/27/2017
- Summer reminders, remedies and suggestions
- 6/28/2017
- Don’t let care costs deplete your estate
- 5/26/2017
- Natural alternatives for allergy sufferers
- 5/25/2017
- It’s time to answer some of your questions…
- 4/27/2017
- Self help strategies for chronic stress
- 2/23/2017
- Three BIG Questions: Dr. Sujata Holman
- 2/1/2017
- Should you ‘vape’ essential oils?
- 2/1/2017
- Points to ponder for a healthier 2017
- 12/28/2016
- Should you trust the new Celebrex study?
- 12/5/2016
- Natural remedies for cold & flu season
- 11/2/2016
- Natural approaches can aid breast cancer battle
- 9/29/2016
- The case for hemp, or ‘Reefer Madness’ revisited
- 8/24/2016
- Is it time for assisted living? Here’s a checklist
- 6/30/2016
- ‘Cold pasteurization’ ain’t what it sounds like.
- 6/30/2016
- About HGH and that ‘Cancer’ video …
- 5/26/2016
- Caregiver stress – the next epidemic?
- 4/28/2016
- The truth about all those PROBIOTIC PRODUCTS
- 4/28/2016
- A critical look at those ‘miracle” heartburn drugs
- 2/25/2016
- A Holiday Gift of Health
- 12/30/2015
- The Calcium Conundrum
- 11/25/2015
- Pre-diabetic? Here’s herbal helps for blood sugar control
- 10/30/2015
- The Probiotics Question
- 10/30/2015
- So… You Want to Be Healthy
- 8/26/2015
- What Is Anxiety?
- 7/30/2015
- Finding balance following a career change
- 6/26/2015
- Herbs can help with prostate health
- 5/28/2015
- Understanding the new cholesterol guidelines
- 5/26/2015
- If I could turn back time
- 4/30/2015
- Buyer Beware:
- 4/30/2015
- Precision medicine – the good and the bad
- 3/27/2015
- Know your retailer when buying herbal products
- 2/26/2015
- Senior Games announces winter competitions
- 2/26/2015
- Developing a personal integral life practice
- 2/26/2015
- Some thoughts on what nutrition ‘education’ should include
- 1/30/2015
- Your partner has prostate cancer… now what?
- 1/30/2015
- Practical tips for a warm and healthy winter
- 12/23/2014
- Embracing ‘wisdom’ offers us all endless possibilities
- 12/22/2014
- Winter woes – alternative treatments for psoriasis, SAD
- 11/25/2014
- Why creating a ‘deep well of peace’ is crucial to health
- 11/25/2014
- Make the most out of your visit to the doctor
- 10/30/2014
- Overcoming the ‘silent treatment’ in a relationship
- 9/25/2014
- Dealing with negative emotions – your plan for a happier life
- 9/25/2014
- Natural alternatives for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- 8/27/2014
- Autumn is a prime time for a health checkup
- 8/27/2014
- Take these simple steps to protect your brain health
- 7/28/2014
- Magnesium make certain you're getting enough
- 7/28/2014
- Poison Ivy nature provides the itch, and the cure
- 6/26/2014
- Another warning on improper use of essential oils
- 5/28/2014
- Three simple ways to stay healthy as you age
- 5/28/2014
- What do we mean when we say 'integral health?'
- 4/24/2014
- Don't believe all those medical studies you hear on T. V.
- 4/24/2014
- Discover the life-enhancing benefits of meditation
- 3/27/2014
- Debunking detox scams and other herbal updates
- 3/26/2014
- Six things you can do now to enjoy better health
- 2/26/2014
- Alternative treatments for heart health and the flu
- 2/3/2014
- Reading the signals in a stalled relationship
- 2/3/2014
- Indulge in the health benefits of dark chocolate
- 1/30/2014
- Sorting out weight loss advice, cholesterol and statins
- 12/24/2013
- Charting your own journey to better health
- 12/24/2013
- Tips to help you enjoy a healthy holiday season
- 12/4/2013
- Avoid 'Dirty Dozen' when planning holiday feast
- 11/26/2013
- Exercises help heal upper back, neck and shoulder pains
- 10/31/2013
- Gout - natural ways to quell that big pain in the... toe
- 10/31/2013
- Is it time to consider a nursing home placement?
- 10/30/2013
- Six more 'superfoods' to improve your health
- 10/1/2013
- What the media doesn't tell you about breast cancer prevention
- 9/26/2013
- Natural alternatives to attention deficit problems
- 8/29/2013
- Gratitude: count your blessings for better health
- 7/24/2013
- Questioning results of more recent medical studies
- 7/23/2013
- Mainstream media gets study results wrong again
- 6/27/2013
- Want to improve your health? Try forgiveness
- 5/29/2013
- Outdoor first aid must-haves, promising pain relief
- 5/29/2013
- Taking a more natural approach to treating psoriasis
- 4/26/2013
- Spring allergy aids, the truth about vitamin D
- 3/27/2013
- Why everyone needs probiotics, herbs for eye health
- 2/27/2013
- Alternative answers for heart health, flu treatment
- 1/28/2013
- Is marijuana use an answer for some health ills?
- 12/27/2012
- Falls - tips for preventing this scourge of aging
- 11/23/2012
- Evaluating krill oil, weight loss products from Dr. Oz
- 11/6/2012
- Flu facts: how to protect yourself and your family
- 9/24/2012
- More individuals taking charge of their own health
- 9/24/2012
- A roundup of recent alternative health news
- 8/28/2012
- Election 2012: a time to protect the future of our grandchildren
- 8/28/2012
- Keep hydrated with a variety of beverages and supplements
- 7/30/2012
- Seniors avoid hunger with SNAP assistance
- 7/30/2012
- Magnesium key to calcium absorption
- 6/25/2012
- Ease the discomfort of Gout with simple remedies
- 5/30/2012
- There are natural alternatives to statin drugs
- 4/23/2012
- Men, no matter how powerful, can still cheat
- 4/23/2012
- Seasonal allergies, American Ephedra and Fenugreek
- 3/26/2012
- Some herbal remedies: From ADHD to puppy breath
- 2/27/2012
- Heart health ideas; readers' questions answered
- 1/30/2012
- On Valentine's Day: Does it really matter?
- 1/30/2012
- Staying warm and staving off the influenza virus
- 12/27/2011
- Herbal answers for restless legs, reflux and more
- 11/28/2011
- For married couple, embers are rekindled
- 10/25/2011
- Defining the frequency of rare bone problems
- 10/25/2011
- It's time to prepare for the upcoming flu season
- 10/24/2011
- Techniques that stop the cycles of anguish
- 9/26/2011
- Fighting federal regulations, and fighting cancer
- 9/26/2011
- The sandwich generation
- 8/26/2011
- A variety of solutions for your health issues this fall
- 8/26/2011
- Aging with your home
- 7/25/2011
- Understanding signals of the courtship dance
- 7/22/2011
- Sunburns and leg cramps among readers' concerns
- 7/22/2011
- Stress reduction ideas soothe body and soul
- 6/24/2011
- Summertime remedies and other herbal suggestions
- 6/24/2011
- Different ways to build trust and intimacy
- 5/26/2011
- Suffer from seasonal allergies? Try natural remedies
- 5/26/2011
- Herbal solutions: Potassium and bilberry extract
- 4/22/2011
- Spring cleaning for the body with herbal remedies
- 3/28/2011
- Medical assistants ease the anxiety of doctor's visits
- 2/17/2011
- Replacing cod liver oil
- 2/17/2011
- A helpful guide to Medicare prescription coverage
- 2/17/2011
- Natural ideas to spice up your Valentine's Day
- 1/24/2011
- Cleansing the body after New Year's Eve festivities
- 12/22/2010
- Multivitamins help you to stave off holiday stress
- 11/26/2010
- Statin drugs and consumer labs approval
- 10/25/2010
- Treatments for fall allergies
- 9/27/2010
- A warning about HCG hormone for weight loss
- 8/27/2010
- Author sees renewal in the mourning process
- 8/27/2010
- Curing sleepless nights; poison ivy and sunburns
- 7/28/2010
- Standing tall: What women need to know about spinal fractures
- 7/28/2010
- Allergy remedies, exercise supplements at issue
- 6/29/2010
- Talking about money issues is vital for boomer couples
- 6/29/2010
- Part of meeting Mr. Right is making the time to connect
- 5/24/2010
- Magnesium may help stave off cancer, study says
- 5/24/2010
- Jacqui plays matchmaker; couples don't always agree
- 4/26/2010
- Probiotics, prebiotics and fighting fungal issues
- 4/26/2010
- Tips for recognizing and battling depression
- 4/26/2010
- Natural remedy expert answers reader questions
- 3/30/2010
- Warning signs to recognize when domestic abuse appears
- 3/30/2010
- Strengthening the relationship
- 2/23/2010
- Vitamin D show promise for bone health, cancer
- 2/23/2010
- Time to realize true meaning behind Valentine's Day idea
- 1/26/2010
- When is heartbeat irregular? Check with doctor to be certain
- 1/26/2010
- Maintaining strong ties, despite your health issues
- 1/26/2010
- Homeopathy provides treatment for people, pets
- 1/26/2010
- Can proper intake of "good fat" help people lose bad fat?
- 12/29/2009
- Lunch options for good health
- 12/29/2009
- Folic acid, a Vitamin B supplement, is not harmful
- 12/29/2009
- Donations needed for drive
- 11/24/2009
- "The Gifts of the Magi" revealed: gold, frankincense and myrrh
- 11/24/2009
- Caring for the caregiver: tips to avoid burnout
- 11/17/2009
- Cataracts? Get info on treatment from Prevent Blindness and Eye Care America
- 11/17/2009
- Nature's RX: Readers ask about - Echinacea & allergies, Glucosamine safety
- 11/17/2009
- Talking tips for elders, families on when it's time to stop driving
- 11/17/2009
- Blissful relationships...a dream or real possibility?
- 9/29/2009
- Nature's Rx: avoiding Swine flu; understanding homeopathy
- 9/29/2009
- Is it time to take another look at vitamin C?
- 8/24/2009
- Five things you can do for your parents' future
- 8/24/2009
- How health reform affects cancer treatment
- 8/24/2009
- Natural remedies to soothe sinus troubles, sciatica pain, poison ivy
- 7/27/2009
- She's an upbeat person.he's not . can their love survive?
- 7/27/2009
- Your local Farmers' Market: it's worth the trip!
- 7/27/2009
- Exercise caution when a friend asks for advice
- 6/29/2009
- Acid blockers good for your stomach but not for your bones
- 6/29/2009
- Prostate problems? Saw Palmetto might solve it without that 'side effect'
- 5/27/2009
- Very Private --Miles apart yet sharing the same bed.
- 5/27/2009
- Nature's Rx
- 4/29/2009
- Treating back and shingles pain, pros and cons of colonic cleansing
- 3/30/2009
- Nature's Rx
- 2/23/2009
- Local yoga instructor poses for new "Boomer Yoga" book
- 2/23/2009
- Very Private March 2009
- 2/23/2009
- HRT and breast cancer
- 2/11/2009
- Batting colds, flu naturally
- 1/27/2009
- Aging well what's digestion got to do with it?
- 1/5/2009
- Very Private: Love & Money
- 12/24/2008
- This year, give your presence
- 11/26/2008
- Dec. 08 Very Private
- 11/26/2008
- Dec. 08 Nature's Rx
- 11/26/2008
- Health Updates
- 10/30/2008
- Eldery women
- 10/30/2008
- Nov 08: Nature's Rx
- 10/27/2008
- Are the cupboards bare?
- 10/27/2008
- Very Private: When your man has a midlife crisis
- 10/27/2008
- How not to step on those holiday conversation 'landmines'
- 10/27/2008
- Nature's Rx
- 10/3/2008
- She says he's emotionally unavailable. He say's she's too intrusive!
- 10/3/2008
- How to spot a player
- 9/2/2008
- Yes, there are natural ways to manage ADD/ADHD
- 9/2/2008
- Nature's Rx
- 8/5/2008
- Very Private
- 8/5/2008
- Nature's Rx: Local honey for allergies
- 7/1/2008
- Very Private: Your weight
- 7/1/2008
- Cartilage 101: painful knees and what can be done for them
- 6/2/2008
- Very Private
- 6/2/2008
- Should you trust those male enhancement products?
- 6/2/2008
- For women: controlling your cholesterol can save heartache
- 5/5/2008
- Pain, pain, go away. Natural alternatives to arthritis treatments
- 5/5/2008
- Getting the rest you need
- 3/27/2008
- Jealousy - what is it, how to overcome it
- 3/27/2008
- Treating seasonal allergies naturally and the truth about detox
- 3/3/2008
- Older women younger men . does it work
- 3/3/2008
- Can hormones make us more trusting?
- 2/5/2008
- Women's Heart Health
- 2/5/2008
- Nature's Rx
- 1/2/2008
- Very Private: Unrealistinc Expectations
- 1/2/2008
- The meanings, uses of the gifts of the Magi
- 12/3/2007
- Dec. 07: An end-of-year health care checklist
- 12/3/2007
- Very Private
- 11/21/2007
- Stocking your herbal medicine chest for flu season
- 11/6/2007
- Treating allergies, collodial minerals, plantar facillais
- 10/1/2007
- Oct. 07 - Very Private
- 10/1/2007
- Herbal helps for older learners, alergy aids
- 9/4/2007
- Nature's Rx:ADD and herbs, restless leg and iron
- 8/6/2007
- Nature's Rx
- 7/3/2007
- Irradiation: why it won't make food safe, why it could make you sick
- 6/6/2007
- Herbal Information Specialists, excess sweating, food irradiation
- 4/30/2007
- How to: gear up for strength training
- 4/17/2007
- How to: Get the body you dream of in time for summer
- 4/2/2007
- HOW TO: Make your own herbal preparations
- 4/2/2007
- Jonathan answers reader's questions
- 3/8/2007
- Keep that Fitness Resolution!
- 2/5/2007
- Nature's Rx - February 07
- 2/5/2007
- Very Private-February 07
- 2/5/2007
- Herbal helps for that weight-loss resolution
- 1/2/2007
- Aerobic exercise: It's not the secret to long-term weight loss
- 12/5/2006
- Herbal helpers for healthy holidays
- 12/5/2006
- How supportive nutrition boosts metabolism
- 11/6/2006
- Marvels of 'the stinking rose'
- 11/6/2006
- Ultimate Fat Loss
- 10/5/2006
- The truth about metabolism .
- 9/26/2006
- Natures Rx
- 9/5/2006
- 16 tips to feeling better - continued!
- 8/1/2006
- 16 tips for looking and feeling better than you have in years
- 7/5/2006
- Opposites may attract, but do they make it for the long haul?
- 6/5/2006
- A Reversal On Hormone Therapy
- 5/2/2006
- Allergies are nothing to sneeze at
- 4/11/2006
- Considering weight loss surgery?
- 3/6/2006
- Ask the Naturopath ...
- 2/13/2006
- Nature's Rx
- 1/5/2006
- You can enjoy the eating season without packing on the pounds!
- 12/5/2005
- Ask the Naturopath
- 10/31/2005
- New Page
- 10/31/2005
- Nature's RX
- 10/4/2005
- Very Private
- 9/6/2005
- Very Private
- 8/10/2005
- Don't gamble with your hearing
- 7/5/2005
- Ask the Naturopath
- 7/5/2005
- Very Private
- 7/5/2005
- Ask the Naturopath...
- 6/7/2005
- Very Private
- 6/7/2005
- Guys have "gut" reaction to second trips down aisle
- 6/6/2005
- Got D?
- 5/19/2005
- Very Private
- 5/4/2005
- Ask the Naturopath
- 5/4/2005