Alternative answers for heart health, flu treatment

Jonathan Evans
PRIME – February 2013
By Jonathan Evans
Herbal Information Specialist/The Herbarium
It has been my custom not to write about heart health in the February column since everyone else is doing it and I feel the readers are getting overwhelmed. However, I have also noted many people cut out the articles I write and carry the information with them. So, this year I will try to give you as much heart health information as possible in the space provided, so the column can be used as a heart primer and quick reference guide. In addition, this month's column will also provide some information regarding the flu that has so devastated the population.
Top heart-health supplements
Listed below are what we at The Herbarium consider the most effective natural supplements for maintaining heart health.
Hawthorn – Preparations from this common thorny shrub are considered the first and foremost of the heart tonics. Hawthorn helps with every heart issue, from angina to arrhythmias. It has a normalizing effect on the heart, improves cellular metabolism in the heart, increases blood flow to the heart, strengthens heart contractions, maintains arterial and venial walls, exhibits anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This supplement is considered the best for overall cardiovascular health.
Magnesium – This macromineral is used to treat arrhythmias, blocked arteries and blood pressure. It relaxes muscles and blood vessels.
Cayenne – This spice is a potent circulation stimulant. It is known to strengthen the heart, arteries and capillaries.
Astragalus – This herb, a traditional heart tonic in Chinese medicine, stimulates circulation (especially if used with Dong quai) and lowers blood pressure.
Motherwort – A relaxing nervine that is particularly helpful where anxiety and tension are present. Motherwort traditionally treats "the emotional heart."
Ginkgo biloba – A great circulatory aid, ginkgo also helps strengthen blood vessels and helps with arrhythmias, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, and Raynaud's disease.
Hibiscus – Preparations from this flower are helpful for controlling blood pressure, especially when stress is present.
Coenzyme Q-10 – Noted cardiologist Dr. Stephen Sinatra has written several books just on Co-Q-10, covering its use for angina pectoris, ventricular arrhythmia, congestive heart failure and so much more. It is a great addition to any cardiovascular regimen.
Other nutrients for heart health include L-carnitine, D-Ribose, Resveratrol, ginger, garlic, vinpocetine, Vitamin C. There is more than ample information on heart health in great detail at The Herbarium. Stop by and pick up the free literature.
Fighting this year's flu
I hope by the time you are reading this column the flu epidemic is mostly over, but something tells me it will not be.
Some simple ways of helping fight the flu are as follows:
Try combining black elderberry, also known as Sambucus, with high doses of Vitamin C. Israeli researchers found something in elderberry that helps dissolve the protein spikes on a virus, blunting them and making it more difficult to penetrate the cell wall. Add to that Vitamin C, which helps to strengthen cell walls and you have a potent combination.
Mushroom complexes, including Maitake, Shitake, Reishi, Cordyceps and any other medicinal mushroom can help fight the flu virus, and boost immune function.
Zinc lozenges will help to disrupt the ability of the virus to reproduce. In addition, echinacea will help to mobilize white blood cells against the virus, colloidal silver is a natural antibiotic, myrrh helps to kill virus and bacteria, and ginger has many antiviral compounds and helps in reducing coughs and fever.
There are two herbal preparation products that I highly recommend, three actually. Buried Treasure makes two products, one is called ACF, the other Prevention ACF, both of which are probably the best cold and flu fighters I have ever seen. These two items contain a complete list of antiviral and antibacterial compounds, along with other ingredients to help with comfort measures. The other product I recommend is called Cold and Sinus Blaster. This is a formula we have made especially for The Herbarium. The list of ingredients is very long, but I can tell you, anytime I have given a customer a sample, they have bought the bottle. This stuff gets right up into sinuses and opens up breathing passages.
I appeared on TV-22's program "Mass Appeal" and gave the host just three drops of this liquid. Check out the station's website,, and watch his facial reactions after taking the Cold and Sinus Blaster.
Vitamin D is highly recommended in doses of 2,000 to 4,000 international units (ius) daily. Vitamin D has great antiviral action.
Lastly, had indicated in my January column that I would discuss probiotics this month, but the heart issue and flu took precedent. I will write about this topic next month, but let me say you should be using a good probiotic to help with immune function. Do not bother to buy this sort of product at the discount house or drug store. I have seen the stuff from these places, and it is way too expensive and not very effective. Make sure any probiotics you buy is in a refrigerated bottle (room-stable be damned) and that is has multiple strains at more than 6 billion. I will explain more in detail next month.
– Jonathan
Please send your questions on botanical remedies to Natures Rx: Jonathan Evans via email at, or by regular mail to: The Herbarium, 264 Exchange St., Chicopee, Mass. 01013.
If requesting additional information from Evans, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope.