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Aging well what's digestion got to do with it?

Aging well   what's digestion got to do with it? jonathanevans.jpg
By Jonathan Evans Herbal Information Specialist /Business Representative for the Herbarium Special to PRIME By now we have all made our New Year's resolutions to eat right, exercise more, lose weight, and make the lifestyle changes necessary for a long and happy life. This desire to fool Father Time is especially noticeable in the boomer generation, which seems to believe in living life to the fullest at breakneck speeds and the Devil take the hindquarters. Acid reflux? Try Nexium, Prilosec, Zantac 75, and a host of other pharmaceutical remedies. Constipation? Same deal. I won t even get into Viagra or Cialis. Digestion and aging In a recent issue of one of my trade magazines this subject was addressed. Aging, it seems, has a lot to do with proper digestion. That is the secret. You heard it here first. The first step to proper digestion is is eating right. You have to try to buy the best raw and fresh foods; I don't care what the football player's mom says as she is feeding him micro-waved soup in a plastic container. The second step: reduce stress. If you are running around trying to stuff 27 hours into one day, you're stressed out. And that means you are not producing digestive juices. Unfortunately, the symptoms of too much and too little stomach acid are the same. The boomer stomach Aging reduces stomach acid, an important immune barrier, and digestive aid, which also sets the proper ph for probiotic bacteria like acidophilus. Acid blockers and antacids can provide quick relief for occasional discomfort, but continued use can raise the stomachs' ph and the bodys natural process may release more acid to compensate,worsening heartburn and potentially triggering sensitivities and allergies because food will not properly break down. If you are not digesting your food properly, you cannot absorb the nutrients which can then lead to a whole host of other issues. IBS is another condition that reduces nutrient absorption; probiotics may help restore the proper balance of good flora in the gut. If you suffer from acid reflux or GERD, digestive enzymes are a must. Try to find full spectrum products that offer enzymes to break down fat, carbs, protein and vegetable matter. In some cases people will use Betaine hydrochloride with pepsin, another digestive aid, which actually puts acid back into the stomach, making digestion easier Proactive tips Dr. Brenda Watson, President of Renew Life products, the number one cleansing product company in America said "although many people dismiss impaired digestion as a fact of life, the truth is that the majority of digestive issues are caused by poor lifestyle choices and can be easily remedied with a commitment to proper nutrition and healthy living." She points to diets high in refined carbs and fat, too little water and a lack of fiber and EFA's Fiber helps add bulk to the diet, strengthens and tones muscles in the colon by giving them something to push against, stimulating peristalsis, the natural muscle action of the bowel to complete elimination. Essential fatty acids provide nourishment to the cells along the intestinal tract, help to soothe and lubricate the bowel and ensure smooth elimination. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have also been shown to have negative digestive effects. For one, NSAIDs may damage the lining of the stomach and increase risk of ulcers and infections. Getting digestion right In summary, the essentials of digestion include: eat slower, without stress. Turn off the T news. Eat alone if you find your companions annoying. Chew your food, well. Digestion begins in the mouth, with the saliva. If you already have problems, try digestive enzymes, add probiotics to your daily diet(look for products that are measured in the billions and are under refrigeration). Add fiber to the diet, whether that is through more raw fruits and vegetables or a fiber supplement. Add essential fatty acids to help soothe and smooth the digestive tract. Aging gracefully can begin with eating right. You can choose to age gracefully like a fine wine, or the other way which is like vinegar. It"s your choice! Please send your questions on botanical remedies to Natures Rx : Jonathan Evans via e-mail at info@theherbarium.com, or by regular mail at The Herbarium, 264 Exchange Street, Chicopee, MA 01013