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A ‘first aid’ kit for healthy traveling

A ‘first aid’ kit for healthy traveling Ill-Traveler.jpg

By Jonathan Evans
Herbal Information Specialist for the Herbarium

Travel is always an adventure. It can be fun, exciting, challenging and sometimes it can be absolutely miserable. Sometimes it may be just the anxiety of travel, jet lag, or the results of tainted water or that questionable sushi you tried at the outdoor cafe.

There is nothing worse than getting sick on vacation or work related travel. This year is especially tricky with the flu in every corner of America, retrovirus and norovirus here and around the globe.

My wife travels quite frequently for her work and anytime we are travelling or on vacation there are a few things we won’t leave home without.

Here are our favorites:

To arrive relaxed

If you are the anxious type, Herbarium has an essential oil blend named “Calm Heart”. We know

it works well because Clinical Aromatherapist Kathy Duffy (my wife) originally made it for herself. Don’t tell anyone but Kathy used to be a real white-knuckle flyer. The only way she could get to her classes across the country or Ireland was to use that oil, so we know it works.

For jet lag an inhaler with peppermint oil can be very helpful.  Peppermint is invigorating and can give you that pick up that always attend overseas travel. There is also a homeopathic spray that can help with jet lag. Just a couple of sprays in the mouth and you are ready to go.

To keep germs at bay

Essential oils are great for keeping your environment clean and germ free. A spray bottle of oils such as lemon myrtle, lemongrass, palmarosa, rosemary or lavender can be used to spray down the sink, bath area or table tops in your room. Spray some on a tissue or spray it on the air ducts to kill any lingering germs hiding in the air conditioning unit. On a plane or train, a personal inhaler loaded with antiviral and antibacterial oils can keep your nasal and airways cleared of airborne pathogens.

To avoid tummy troubles

Carrying digestive enzymes and probiotics can save a trip or vacation from turning into a gastrointestinal disaster. Montezuma’s revenge – or travelers diarrhea – can be helped with activated charcoal, which can aid in absorbing toxins, while enzymes can help digestion when you have tried one too many local dishes you are not used to. Probiotics will help get your intestinal flora back in place after a bout of diarrhea and may help as a preventative.

Note: there are many probiotics out on the market that claim to be room temperature stable. The only company we recommend is Renew Life. Their products seem to be the best for delivering what they advertise on the bottle.

People will be very careful not to drink the local water but think nothing of having a cocktail with ice cubes in it. Guess where the ice came from? Local water. Oregano oil or olive leaf extract can help kill any microbes or protozoa that may slip in with that pina colada or margarita.

As you can see, with a little preparation, your vacation trip can be much more comfortable.

A last word on essential oils

As regular readers know, I have been a strong proponent of essential oil safety. The proper use of these very powerful products is sorely lacking out there.

What is worse is alleged “experts” who still suggest taking the oils internally is okay. I watched a video from Dr. Axe, who is a Naturopath, but is giving out information that is incorrect. He may think he knows about oils, but I seriously doubt he has any legitimate certification. If he did, he would not promote this practice. Multi level marketing companies continue to promote using the oils neat, or undiluted, and also using them internally.

  This is wrong, period. We have posted a video on our Facebook page from a woman who suffered the consequences of following these unsafe practices. Please, if you are using the oils, it is very important you view this video. I am not an expert, but my wife, who was mentioned earlier in this article, is a Certified Clinical Aromatherapist and Instructor for RJ Buckle Associates. She has taught hundreds of doctors, nurses, and other health professionals around the country, in hospitals and other medical centers, about the proper use of essential oils.  I can tell you with total assurance, the use of oils internally has never been suggested by any legitimate, properly trained aromatherapists in the United States. Note: In France, internal use of oils is practiced but only by doctors or pharmacists who have studied for several years and are licensed.

Safety is of prime importance when using oils. The people who are selling these products may think they are giving out good information but the facts speak for themselves.

— Jonathan

Send questions on botanical remedies to: Natures Rx: Jonathan Evans at herbarium258@gmail.com, or by regular mail to: The Herbarium, 264 Exchange St., Chicopee, MA. 01013. If requesting additional info, include a self-addressed stamped envelope.