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We're betting on you ...

We're betting on you ... debbiegardner.jpg
Well readers, this month I'm going to ask you to ante up and give me some feedback on what you're thinking. My boss, PRIME's publisher Christopher Buendo, has been after me for several months to add a Letters to the Editor section to the newly redesigned PRIME magazine. The problem you're just not sending me any letters! So ... he and I put our heads together and decided maybe you needed some questions to get your opinions flowing. The result - PRIME's first trio of what we hope will be opinion-generating questions designed to get those letters and e-mails coming our way! Question #1 The Supreme Court just backed a move by the city of New London, Ct., to take a neighborhood parcel known as Fort Trumbull under eminent domain. But this land isn't going to build a new school, or highway. These residents are losing their homes and businesses because a private developer wants to put a hotel complex on the spot, and the city wants the tax revenue. How would you feel if your city or hometown wanted to take your home for a shopping center or big new gas station, because the tax revenue would be good? Do you think this was an incorrect interpretation by the Supreme Court? Let's hear what you think! Question #2 The new Medicare prescription drug plan goes into effect in January, 2006. Do you understand the plan, and how it will affect you, or a family member who needs prescription help? Do you feel it will offer any real help in managing prescription costs? Question #3 Congress recently spent a great deal of time investigating the use of steroids by professional athletes. Do you feel this was a valid use of our government's time and resources? I hope one of these questions has got you thinking. If it has, send your thoughts to: Editor PRIME Magazine 280 North Main St. East Longmeadow, MA 01028 or email them to: dgardner@reminderpublications.com. You'll see the first responses in the August issue of PRIME. I'm counting on you! Debbie Gardner PRIME Editor