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We're all victims of [fill in the blank] block

We're all victims of [fill in the blank] block  debgardner.jpg
It's deadline on this issue, and as I sit staring at my computer screen and the clock I find myself seized by that most dreaded of all writer's diseases: Writer's Block. Far worse than a case of overenthusiasm (commonly called overwriting or, as my husband calls it, "purple patch") or unrestrained comma sprinkling, a bad case of writer's block can stop a reporter cold (and send you to the water fountain, the rest room, your e-mail or Facebook pages or the coffeemaker far more times than is prudent in a day). Avoidance, stalling and endless deletions of bad sentences are its main symptoms. But Writer's Block isn't the only condition that can trigger these symptoms. Contemplating a task that's inherently unpleasant, such as reviewing your will or estate plan, can trigger many of the same behaviors. So, what about you? Have you suffered from Estate Plan Block, or Will Review Block lately? If you're like legal columnist Gina Barry's average client, you probably have. As she mentions in this month's feature on reviewing your estate, though she'd love to see her clients compare the directives in their wills with their asset distribution and beneficiary informationon an annual basis, she recognizes "that's not realistic." Most, she said, are motivated to look things over by a significant life event, such as a marriage, a birth in the family, a divorce, or sadly, a death. For my husband and I, it was the death of my dear aunt, and the ensuing problems I've had straightening out some insurance benefits, that prompted us to give our things a once-over. But as Bill Scatolini, owner of Scatolini Insurance also pointed out, beneficiaries isn't the only thing you need to check. Today, when jobs are uncertain, you need to check coverage through your work-sponsored insurance and also any personal policies you carry. And if you don't have an independent policy, it might be time to get one. As Scatolini said, it's easier to get (more or new) insurance when you have it, and if that job goes, so does your coverage. "If you're 55- 60 and haven't bought insurance, can you find a policy that you can afford? Yes," Scatolini said. "But of course health is a factor." If this is you, you'd better get moving. No time for [fill in the blank] block! Debbie Gardner PRIME Editor