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Welcome to Our New Look!

Welcome to Our New Look! deb-gardner-0812b.jpg

No, you haven’t made a mistake.
This is the May issue of PRIME magazine.
Pretty exciting, isn’t it?
After 20-plus years as the region’s go-to publication
about all things midlife – and 10 years in our previous design – we decided it was time to shake things up a bit.
We got that part right, didn’t we?
If you’re wondering why the big change, here’s the scoop:
PRIME has been calling itself a magazine for some time now. But what we offered wasn’t living up to that promise.
Take a look at the stuff in the racks at any supermarket checkout line.
Magazines today are bright. They’re colorful. The stories are easy to read. Information comes in quick bites.  In other words, if we’re calling PRIME a magazine, it’s time we stop looking like a newspaper.
So we took the leap. And, I’m sure you’ve got questions. Such as – will you still find all your favorites in the new PRIME? Yes … and no. Yes, we’ve kept the sections you’re used to – finance, tech, mind & body, travel and dining and entertainment. And, we’ve kept the columnists – though you won’t always see every column in every issue.
Starting with this issue, if your favorite columnist is missing, look for him or her online at PRIMEONTHEWEB.COM.
Oh, and PRIME’s calendar is all-new, too. Check it out for highlights of the best of what’s happening in the Valley. And … anything goes in our new “Six Things.” Events, apps, resources … the sky’s the limit here. Check back every month for stuff to see, do and think about.
That’s all for our first new PRIME.
I’d love to know what you think!