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Way to go, AARP

Way to go, AARP debgardner.jpg
I have several younger female colleagues, eager journalists fresh from college, who share office space with me here at Reminder Publications. And, as a matter of course, I asked one of them to proofread my piece on the upcoming AARP National Event in Boston this September. "Is LL Cool J really going to be working out there?" she asked as she returned my corrected copy. "I'd go to see that!" she said. At the mention of LL Cool J, two more of my 20-something colleagues chimed in that a chance to see LL in the flesh might be worth a trip to Boston. Hmm, I thought. Maybe AARP is on to something in their quest to change its image. The comments about LL Cool J led to a discussion of some of the other celebrities slated to appear during the three-day Expo; names such as Whoopi Goldberg (I just heard she's supposed to be taking over on "The View" one commented), Melissa and Joan Rivers (They're good, said another), makeup artist Bobbie Brown (lots of nods), and one sigh (mine) at the opportunity to see Kirk and Michael Douglas together in one room. "Those names would attract people in their 40s, maybe even 30s" said one colleague. I did have one misconception to correct. One colleague brought up the fact that the RP" in AARP stands for "Retired Persons." I said "yes, it does, but AARP is really trying to buff up its image; to make people understand that they've got resources to help men and women make the most of life from age 50 and beyond." From what I've seen of the Expo lineup, that's exactly what AARP is doing. And from the reaction I got from my younger officemates, they're on the right track! And speaking of getting on the right track, I want to thank Mike Matty from St. Germain Investment Management for this month's article reminding readers that retirement planning needs a timetable. His step-by-step guide is on page 7. Also, Atty., Gina Barry has some solid tips on how to protect yourself from identity theft in this month's piece on page 6. And as always, thanks to my Tech columnist, Rick Castinelli, for keeping us up on all the computer and electronics trends, and Herbal Information Specialist Jonathan Evans for making sure we know what's what in the world of alternative medicine. These local (and national) experts help me help you live your best life at 50 and beyond. Tell them you saw them in PRIME. Debbie Gardnerr PRIME Editor dgardner@reminderpublications.com