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Trusting your instincts

Trusting your instincts deb-gardner-0812.jpg

I hope the weather has made up it mind what season to present by the time this issue reaches you.  The early teases of warmth, followed first by snow, and a bitter cold snap have left me wondering about the fate of my fruit trees and early spring perennials again this year.

Gardening – one of my favorite hobbies – makes you observant, and keenly aware of subtle changes in the environment around you. Cultivating those skills can stand us all in good stead, both in looking out for ourselves and friends and family.

I read somewhere that our constant bombardment with information – from sources such as T.V. channels, radio stations and our favorite Facebook, twitter and other social media feeds – has had the effect of dulling our sensitivity to man’s natural survival instincts. You know, that feeling you get that something’s not right  … and you can’t put your finger on it. My Finance writer, Gina Barry, reminds us all this month that if you get the feeling something’s suddenly “not right” with the way an older friend or relative looks or acts when you see them, you may be picking up on subtle clues of elder abuse. AARP Massachusetts Executive Director Michael E. Festa said the same holds true when you get a phone call and something doesn’t seem right about the way the conversation with that friendly survey taker – or other unexpected caller – is headed. Listening to your gut and hanging up on that caller is your best protection against fraud.

I listened to my gut when deciding whether or not to contact Storm Large for this month’s feature story.  She may not be a household name – and her take on life is probably outside what most of my readers would consider mainstream – but when I listened to some of her performances, I was blown away.

I’ve learned over the years in this job that artists are a group apart; they don’t always fit the mold  – or expectations – that hold sway over the rest of us. That’s what fascinates us about them, somehow out of what seems foreign or strange to us, comes something beautiful.

So it is with Ms. Large. Her music is truly breathtaking. If you have access to a computer and the Internet, check out her rendition of “I’ve Got You Under My Skin,” on the homepage of her website at https://stormlarge.com/.

Thanks for reading,

Debbie Gardner