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Thanks for your input!

Thanks for your input! debgardner.jpg
We here at PRIME have been busily pouring over the responses to the reader's survey that ran in our September, October and November, 2006 issues. And we must say, you had a lot to say! Among the things we learned is that our readers are an on-the-go group, with information about restaurants, entertainment and travel topping the list of items you are interested in reading about (This issue, check out our by-date entertainment listing on the Happenings page, and the page 19 article by Don Anderson, owner of The Cruise Store, about the new passport rulings). The only area that drew more responses was health, with interest in information on alternative health making up more than half of the responses. You're also looking for info on places to work out and keep fit (check out the classes on self defense and beginner Martial Arts on page 16 of this issue!) and answers to heath and dieting questions (see the Nutrition-Wise column, also on page 16 of this issue, and Nature's Rx, which is all about natural aids to weight loss, on page 15). And for the person who was looking for information on trains, be sure to check out the Dining & Entertainment Section piece on the annual Railroad Hobby Show, coming to the Big E grounds Jan. 27-28. (See page 13). This sounds like a lot of fun, and something that you grandparents can perhaps take the grandkids to (I'm hoping to take my six-year-old son, who loves to lay track across my living room rug on a snowy afternoon!) We were also surprised by the number of you who were looking for stories on home improvement and home decor. But, based on the research PRIME turned up while working on this month's feature about the trend in New Year's resolutions for 2007 (see page 10), perhaps we shouldn't have been. In talking with Greg Helmstetter, CEO of the web site, myGoals.com, an online service that assists individuals with setting and achieving resolutions and goals, he indicated that this year, his company saw more people listing goals that involved improving their existing home that people looking to buy a new home. For those of you looking for home improvement advice and ideas, this month's issue of PRIME includes a piece on the decorating trends for 2007 on page 18 of this issue. Bottom line, we've listened, and we're working on more ways to bring you what you want in PRIME in the coming months. That's our New Year's Resolution. Debbie Gardner PRIME Editor dgardner@reminderpublications.com