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Remembering our veterans, new and old

Remembering our veterans, new and old debgardner.jpg
Whatever your political beliefs, however you feel about world events and America's role, this year's Veterans Day will, I think, seem more poignant to us all. With elections just over, and perhaps new or a return to old thinking sweeping our land, I hope you will all take a moment to think about the commitment and sacrifices made by our men and women who have served, and are serving, in the nation's Armed Forces. This Nov. 11 will have a special significance for us here at Reminder Publications. Our adopted Marine Corps Unit, Charlie Company with troops from Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut returned from its seven-month tour of duty in Iraq on Oct. 25. Two of my colleagues, former Reminder Editor Sarah Corigliano, and Assistant Editor (now Editor) Natasha Clark travelled to California to embed with Charlie Co. during their training. Our company, and the readers of our five weekly papers, have been tracking the Marines' experiences during their tour. Charlie's Batallion the 125 lost 11 members during their tour. Four were from Charlie Company: Lance Corporal Christopher B. Cosgrove III, Corporal Jordan C. Pierson, Lance Corporal Kurt E. Dechen and Captain Brian S. Letendre. Most were under the age of 25. So young. I heard a piece on our local National Public Radio station about returning vets the other day specifically about how a group of soldiers who served in Vietnam are making sure that the Iraq veterans feel appreciated for their service. I remember when the Vietnam vets my cousin included came home. It was such an unpopular war, the men and women who did their duty had to all but hide their service from their fellow Americans. Vietnam remains a wound that, for many who served, just will not heal. However you feel about our involvement in Iraq, I hope that doesn't happen again. My thanks to poet Alice Gajewski for this poem to our fallen Veterans: Veteran's Day My silent prayers are most sincere Here in November's cold. I picture them in uniform My loyalty is bold. They served us well in time of war And to the world brought peace. The pains I feel within my heart Are so hard to release. With heavy heart I walk the graves And honor all who served, Then pray beside one truly loved. And trust somehow am heard. Alice Gajewski To all who have served, PRIME's thanks. Debbie Gardner PRIME Editor dgardner@reminderpublications.com