New beginnings & some old business

I had the best time sitting in and gathering tips while Shapes Salon stylist Tina Braska's team of health and beauty experts "made over" the three women highlighted in this month's feature story. (And, like any other over-scheduled working woman these days, I really wished I could have been one of the lucky people getting a makeover, too!)
All three women Cindy King, Gail Sullivan and Christine Doyle were great sports to volunteer to give up a part of their Sunday to participate in the makeover session (and, as you can see from the "before" photos - to agree to arrive and be photographed without makeup!), and I think they all enjoyed the whirlwind of activity that accompanied their transformations.
Space limitations in this issue prevented us from running more of Al's great photos with the story ... if you'd like to see more pictures of what went on that day, check the feature link on our website:
More website news
Beginning with this issue of PRIME, you'll find prompts that direct readers to check our website, for the rest of an article, or for more articles about a particular subject.
We hope you take Rick Castinelli's advice and dump your dial-up connection soon, so that you can get really quick access to all the great stuff we're planning to make available on PrimeOnline this month, and in the months to come!
We invite you to check in periodically to see what's new both in news you can use and new products and services from PRIME advertisers!
An Apology ...
In the golf story that ran in the May 2006 issue of PRIME, I identified golf writer Joel Zuckerman as living in Hilton Head, South Carolina.
Zuckerman wrote to tell me I had gotten his address wrong. He actually resides in Savannah, Georgia (and Park City, Utah).
My apologies for the error, Joel, and I look forward to speaking to you about your new golf book, Misfits on the Links, for our June issue!
A Correction ...
Reader Sue Mastroianni e-mailed regarding the snowshoeing story on Eva Kealey that ran in the February issue of PRIME to let me know that the Internet address for the Pioneer Valley Hiking Club was incorrect in the article.
The correct address is
My apologies to any readers who had difficulty finding the web site because of my typographical error!
Debbie Gardner
PRIME Editor