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Looking forward to a fresh start

Looking forward to a fresh start deb-gardner-250x250.jpg

     It’s January, the month of fresh starts. Though I must admit 2022 seemed to fly by, there were enough things that happened in that year – personal and family for the most part – that actually made me glad to see the back of it this time.

     So here we all are with a fairly clean slate. What are your plans for 2023? Mine include trying to work more time for taking care of myself into my weekly schedule. It’s something that I don’t do well – as my husband so aptly pointed out just before Christmas when some family obligations shifted abruptly, I’m the kind that throws my own needs aside to step up for others. Noble perhaps, but not a terribly healthy way to live.

     So, I’m looking for ways to balance things, and possibly relieve some stress. I love yoga, but only go once a week. The growing pickleball craze in the area intrigues me, as it’s something that you can do with a spouse, or partner or a group of friends. That’s on my radar to check out, especially after I learned that there are so many indoor courts available where you can play year ‘round. I was impressed by the facilities at Holyoke Community College when I visited them for this month’s feature story on the sport.

     If, like me, you’re curious about pickleball, check out the comments from some new players. If you’re already hooked, there’s info on YouTube videos to help improve your game, as well as info on some indoor courts in the area.

     January is also glaucoma awareness month. When that came up in my monthly bring-up calendar here at work I knew I had to include information on eye health this month. My family has had lots of experience with eye issues – from my father-in-law’s experience with macular degeneration to my mother’s cataract surgery to my sister’s early detection of a pre-glaucoma condition. My son is a Type 1 diabetic, so we watch him for diabetic retinopathy.

     Needless to say, vision concerns are very important in my family. I hope you find the information on why its important to get your eyes examined yearly from Dr. Michael Gousy in the Three Big Questions, and the tips on foods and supplements that can help preserve vision in this month’s alternative medicine column by Herbarium Information Specialist Jonathan Evans, helpful.

     And if improving your diet was on your list of things to work on this year – it was for me – but your kitchen tools don’t match your situation now, check out the suggestions in this month’s Prime Lifestyle column. You’ll find 10 tools that could make your time in the kitchen easier.

     Whatever your plans for 2023, I hope you find purpose, passion and health.

     As always, thanks for reading,

Debbie Gardner
