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How to connect with area support system

How to connect with area support system mike_briotta_web.jpg
Mike Briotta
As October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, we dedicate this edition of PRIME Magazine to the survivors of this disease and the local community of support that has evolved to help. Whether breast cancer affects a family member, friend or a colleague it would be hard to find someone in our area who hasn't been affected in some way by breast cancer. While the rate of survivorship has steadily improved during the past two decades, the fight is far from over. For those who are currently battling breast cancer or those who would simply like to reach out and help others, following is a list of community groups in our area to reach out to for support. To get more information about participating in the 18th annual Rays of Hope — A Walk Toward the Cure of Breast Cancer and 2nd annual Run Toward the Cure on Oct. 23, please visit the Web site: www.baystatehealth.org/raysofhope. One week later, the 19th Annual Komen Massachusetts Race for the Cure will be held Oct. 30 at 10 a.m. at Joe Moakley Park in South Boston. To learn more about that event, please visit www.komenmassrace.org. Everyone at PRIME sincerely hopes that our readers, if able, take the opportunity to participate in one of these worthwhile October events. D'Amour Center for Cancer Care 3350 Main St., Springfield (413) 794-9338 www.baystatehealth.com Comprehensive Breast Center 3400B Main St., Springfield (413) 794-9338 www.baystatehealth.com Cancer Connection 41 Locust St., Northampton (413) 586-1642 www.cancer-connection.org Cancer House of Hope 946 Plumtree Road, Springfield (413) 782-5500 www.cancerhouseofhope.org Cancer House of Hope 86 Court St., Westfield (413) 562-0110 www.cancerhouseofhope.org Baystate Franklin Medical Center 164 High St., Greenfield (413) 773-0211 Holyoke Medical Center Amigas De Pecho (for Latina women) (413) 534-2770 Cancer Support Group (413) 534-2543 La Esperanza Hope of the Pioneer Valley (413) 218-3579 Reach for Recovery American Cancer Society (413) 493-2100; (800) ACS-2345 Mike Briotta PRIME Editor mikeb@thereminder.com Bookmark and Share