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Holiday Musings

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Are you ready for the Holidays? I know I'm not. Even though I've got my indoor and outdoor decorations up already, I just haven't truly caught the holiday spirit. In fact, I'll even admit to having some difficulty penning this year's December Editor's Note. Maybe it's just too warm this year. Check out our list, and get inspired If, like me, you're having difficulty catching the holiday spirit, I suggest you take a look at our annual listing of Holiday Happenings. With events that range from Christmas Tree sales to the Moscow Ballet's annual production of "The Nutcracker" to annual Holiday Pops concert performances, "Scrooge" and "A Christmas Carol," I'll bet you'll find something that will put you in the holiday mood. As for me, I'm hoping to make it to Wistariahurst's family celebration of Holiday Traditions on Dec. 17. I'm hoping it will be a good way to introduce my son, Evan, to some of the traditions that his grandparents English, Portuguese, Irish and Italian passed along to his Dad and I. It also sounds like fun. To all, Happy Holidays! As always, we here at PRIME want to wish all of our readers Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza . Happy New Year! Thanks for spending another year with us.