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Happy marriages and other relationships

Happy marriages and other relationships debgardner.jpg
The 8 a.m. telephone interview with Dr. Scott Haltzman squeezed between meetings we both were supposed to be attending wasn't the first time PRIME had talked with this outspoken and sometimes controversial author and practicing marriage counselor. We'd interviewed him back in 2006, following the release of his first book, "Secrets of Happily Married Men." (see https://www.primeontheweb.com/PrimeOnline/featurestory/beabetterman/ in the PRIME Online Features archives to read that article). At that time we talked about how he had developed his advice for guys on how to make a marriage succeed. This time, at the urging of the first book's publisher, he looked at marital happiness from the other side of the apron. I have to say "Secrets of Happily Married Women" is an interesting read, though I know some of my more feminist friends will take offense to certain bits of the advice. And some of it is really common sense . the kind of stuff you pick up when you live with a guy for a length of time ( like saying "this is important" when you need your husband to remember what you are saying!) Still, it's obvious that this book is written by someone who believes in marriage, and in making marriages work. As his co-author, Theresa Foy DiGeronimo, told me during our interview, Dr. Haltzman believes that "marriage is sacred and must be preserved." "It's not something we quit on," she said. "Especially with children and the implications of divorce . it's not the solution that people think it is." More relationship advice I'm grateful to my two financial columnists for tackling the thornier side of relationships in this month's columns how to plan an estate when you remarry or cohabitate, and how to balance your financial planning to account for the needs of serial, or blended families. And Jacqui Brandwynne, author of the Very Private column, takes a scientific and emotional look at the issue of trust, including how to rebuild this crucial element in a relationship. In a month dedicated to all matters of the heart, I hope you find these stories helpful. Debbie Gardner PRIME Editor dgardner@reminderpublications.com What you'll find online this month: If you have a computer with access to the internet, check out these stories: The complete listing of all Boston Wine Festival events Feb 7- April 6. The latest tours for you and the grandkids from GrandTravel.