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Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays! deb-gardner-0812B.jpg
Debbie Gardner

As we publish the last issue of 2016 I’d like to take a moment to publically thank all the people who help me bring PRIME to you, our readers every month.

Some names, like those of longtime columnists Gina Barry, Jonathan Evans, Jane O’Donoghue and Gary Kaye are recognizable, I’m sure. Still, I’d like to take this chance to let them – and you – know how much I appreciate their contributions. Without the expertise they share, we’d all have lives that are less rich, and less well informed. 

Speaking of staff, I’d be remiss if I didn’t thank designer Andrea Spohr for her creativity and imagination in transforming my words  – and those of PRIME’s columnists – into the fabulous looking pages and covers you see every month. 

When it comes to those pages, I have a host of people to thank, beginning with PRIME’s Sales Consultant Terry O’Donnell, who has headed the PRIME sales team for 24 years. Without his hard work, and that of the rest of Reminder Publications advertising sales staff, graphics design staff and Graphics Department Manager Beth Thurber, we couldn’t put out this product each month. PRIME also owes a great deal to the continued support of Reminder Publications Vice President of Sales Doug Fabian and of course, Co-Publishers Chris and Dan Buendo.

Lastly, I want to thank my Managing Editor Mike Dobbs for always being a sounding board for ideas and source for stories. My sincere thanks, too, to colleagues Assistant Managing Editor Chris Maza and Reminder Reporter Christopher Goudreau for their help, ideas, and ongoing support. 

Oh, and you wouldn’t be reading this column without the work of Circulation Manager Holly Mulligan and her newspaper carriers. To these unsung heroes of Reminder Publications’ products, my thanks.  

Thank you, too, dear readers, for picking up PRIME each month. Your loyalty makes what we do worthwhile. Happy Holidays.