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Happy Father's Day - Dads and Grandads!

Happy Father's Day - Dads and Grandads! debgardner.jpg
Once again, this is PRIME's annual guy's issue, and I hope my male readers enjoy the articles geared toward what I hope are their needs and interests. While we're talking about issue themes, I want to take a minute to thank my many columnists for always trying to fulfill my requests to write on topics that match my overall monthly theme. PRIME is very fortunate to have so many talented professionals many of them right here in our own backyard ready and willing to share their expertise with our readers. I'd also like to take a moment to welcome a new columnist joining PRIME with this month's issue. Tim Lessard, owner of Lessard Home Solutions of Springfield, joins our paper as a regular contributing writer for our home improvement page. This month's article is on how to get the most out of your air conditioning a timely topic given the impending summer weather and rising cost of energy. Be sure to check it out! Working on this month's feature on "Rejuveniles" a segment of grownups who are rediscovering the art of play (as well as games and pursuits they loved as children) was both enlightening and surprising. I never really gave play much thought beyond a way for children to learn about their world until I took a look at the study of play as a way individuals maintain their creativity and adaptability. It made me think of those games we all played as children, you know, the ones where we made up the rules as we went along. Kind-of sounds like the world we live in right now, doesn't it? Lastly I want to wish all the dads and grandads in PRIME's readership a happy Father's Day on June 15. Being a dad is not an easy task something I've come to appreciate more and more as I watch my husband's parenting skills evolve as our son grows up. It's made me think back to my own dad, and the challenges a hunter, pilot and outdoorsman probably faced parenting two girls. I don't think I understood what a challenge we must have presented; I just saw the things he didn't get quite right. I wish I could tell him that I understand better now. And how much I miss him. If your dad is still alive, give him an extra hug for me. Debbie Gardner PRIME Editor dgardner@reminderpublications.com