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Sometimes, it's all about timing

Sometimes, it's all about timing deb-gardner-250x250.jpg

Carol Weis unabashedly name-dropped when she initially reached out to me to inquire if I’d be willing to write a story about her memoir, “Stumbling Home. – Life Before and After That Last Drink.”

“Suzanne Strempek Shea suggested I contact you with the hopes you’d be able to give me coverage for my recently released memoir,” the email began, making a connection to an author – and friend – I’d worked with several times in the past. She also gave me a timely hook; her book was being publishing in late April, which happened to be Alcohol Awareness Month.

“With the increase in alcohol abuse among women during the pandemic, it’s an important topic to cover,” Weis pitched.

I get queries like Weis’ from local authors from time to time, and when the author falls into our Prime demographic, I try to give them some ink. Unfortunately, I already had the May issue of Prime well in the works – and the June, July and August issues planned - when her pitch came in.

I did the interview, and banked her story until the September issue, intending it to be a tandem feature with the story of Prime’s first live event – the Prime Life Expo – which was slated for September at the MGM Casino.

However, as we’ve all seen during the past 18 months of the coronavirus pandemic, things change. In this case it seems the delta variant had other plans for us, and the Expo has been postponed until sometime next spring.

That gave Weis and the tale of her memoir center stage this month.

It turned out to be a serendipitous occurrence – September is National Recovery Month. Weis was pleased that her story would have another impactful connection.

When I contacted Weis to let her know her story was running in September, she added this to the thoughts she shared with me:

“Giving up alcohol was one of the scariest and best things I've ever done. The relationship I have with my daughter would not exist had I not taken the step to break the family cycle of alcohol abuse. It took me 12 years from the time I knew I had a problem to finally quit. And my advice to anyone who’s concerned about their dependence on alcohol or drugs, don’t wait as long as I did to make a change. You’ll be glad you did.”

Wise words from a fighter who knows how tough the battle for sobriety can be.

*** Don’t Miss Prime’s Senior Games Coverage This Month! The 2021 MA Senior Games Track & Field events took place at West Springfield High School on Aug. 8. Prime is proud to be able to share some highlights of the competition, and give these athletes the recognition they deserve. See primeontheweb.com/featurestory/ma-senior-games-2021/.

As always, thanks for reading,

Debbie Gardner