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Be part of PRIME in January!

Be part of PRIME in January! debgardner.jpg
So little space, so much to say this month! The most important item of all is my request to have you, my readers, give me your thoughts for our next issue (see the third item below). But first, let me take a moment to wish all of PRIME's readers happy holidays. We're all aware of the economic turmoil and uncertainty swirling around us. I've got my worries about family situations. I'm sure you do, too. But I also love this season, and I'm determined not to let the bad news kill my spirit. After all, a warm hug, a kind, word, or as author Vickie Iverson points out in the story on page 17, being truly present for family and friends this holiday season may be the best gift of all. If you need a little help getting into the spirit this year, you'll find plenty of events many of them free in our annual list of holiday happenings in the area. And take our warmest wishes with you. A reader writes PRIME reader Eileen Pratt gave me a call after she read columnist Gina Barry's article in the November issue of PRIME. Though she agreed with most of the advice, she questioned the wisdom of always prepaying funeral expenses. In the Letter to the Editor Pratt penned, she posed some pointed questions such as "What if people sign over their money without the aid of a professional like Attorney Barry? What happens if we move, die while travelling or simply change our mind and want a less expensive funeral?" Pratt raised some good points. To read her complete letter, click on the Editor's Note online this month. The letter will also appear in print in the January issue. Your chance to be part of the story! As we were looking at story ideas for 2009, my managing editor brought up an interesting question: "Given how the state of the world has changed recently, what do boomers and retirees want now?" I hope you'll be willing to tell me. To share your thoughts on this subject, contact me in one of these ways: By mail: 280 North Main St., East Longmeadow, MA, 01028; by phone:413-525-3247 x 124 (voicemail is on 24/7); or by email at: dgardnr@reminderpublications.com I'm hoping to hear from some of you by Dec. 16 so I can include your thoughts in the first story of the year. Thanks for taking the time to be part of the news! Debbie Gardner PRIME Editor dgardner@reminderpublications.com